Harvesting And Planting More On HashKings


Just harvested two plots on Hash Kings. One in South America and the other in Afghanistan. That takes the total bud stash to more than 2,000.

I then tried to craft a joint:


But the transaction doesn't seem to go through. Hive KeyChain keeps spinning round and round saying that it is broadcasting the transaction to the blockchain.

Not sure if this is some sort of lag or if the transaction will fail eventually. I also encounter the problem on HashKings when I try to rent a plot of land. It went through the first time but subsequent efforts to rent more land didn't pan out.

It is strange that it only happens on HashKings. No issues on RisingStar and DCity where I also use key chain.

Anyway, I gave up and decided to just plant another Hindu Kush seed in Afghanistan. Should be a good yield given the minimum harvest.


from the screenshot it seems you tried to use DEC instead of BUD for the transaction

Yes, looks like you're right. I intended to pay with DEC but forgot I had none in Hive-Engine.