small modification ... I am going to send the DECs to the game to make it more comfortable | pequeña modificaion voy a mandar los dec dentro del juego para mayor comodidad

Voy a etiquetar a todos los participantes para que sean notificados para los próximos sorteos, si no quieres que te etiqueten solo notifícalo en los comentarios
I am going to tag all the participants so that they are notified for the next draws, if you do not want to be tagged just notify in the
@morenow, @imfarhad, @kevinnag58, @thaddeusprime, @torrecoin90, @handtalk5, @manclar, @tokutaro22, @dubble, @jfang003, @nahueldare3627, @finris, @rafasete, @lokywolf2295, @magooz, @m3ss, @mairapanelo, @yeckingo1,
si aun no juegas Splinterlands!. puedes hacerlo desde este link: Splinterlands
if you still don't play Splinterlands. you can do it from this link: Splinterlands
@mairapanelo, you've been given LUV from @pablodare.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (2/10)
$PIZZA@mairapanelo! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @pablodare.
Did you know PIZZA team has a curation trail with 29 followers? (2/10)
@pablodare, you've been given LUV from @mairapanelo.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)
Please enter me for the next draw.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Felicidades al ganador. Me apunto otra vez.
congrats to the winner
Please add my name in the next draw,thanks
username - imfarhad
Thank you.This seems great. I'd love to be added to the next draw. My Splinterlands account is @supersamio
Please include me in the next round. And thank you again for running these. @magooz
I want to win.
Thanks for doing this and please include me in the next drawing!
Ok, anótame para la otra ronda por favor.
count me in again please!
Count me in
Please include me in the giveaway :) @finris
Either way of transfer works. Count me in again for the next one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
me gustaría participar en el próximo sorteo, dejo mi voto positivo para que sepa valoro mucho su trabajo
Felicitaciones y quiero volver a participar @lokywolf2295
Congratulations to the winner for walking away with the prize.
I would like to participate in tomorrow’s giveaway.
Please count me in for the next one :)
@handtalk5 here to win
Pls count me in
Kindly count me in for the giveaway