A little over a week ago the CryptoShots team offered up some awesome gamer assets to the Hive Blockchain and they asked me to give them out. Those prizes were a Small and Medium Pack (Contents screenshoted below). Its now time to announce the winners.
First Place Winner: @tinyputerboy
- (WAX: n3xvc.wam)
Second Place Winner: @agog
- (Wax: mzrhi.wam)
What Is CryptoShots?
Crypto-Shots is a #play-to-earn game that allows players to earn tokens and NFTs all while having fun! Crypto-Shots is on the WAX network but the creators and devs of the game have plans for HIVE such as giveaways seen in this post and much more. What stands out about this game is most of the play-to-earn games on WAX are 2D and simple click-to-earn games, Crypto-Shots goes above and beyond such game play. Crypto-Shots has taken the blockchain gaming community by storm and has quickly risen to the number one spot on PlayToEarns top blockchain games list.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who participated in the original giveaway (I love seeing all the entries and comments). I would also like to take a moment to say how awesome the new Crypto-Shots characters look. All Crypto-Shots assets past and present are looking good but I'm particularly impressed with the green character showcased in the first screenshot in this post. If you are interested in seeing more eye candy some are showcased in the original giveaway post CLICK HERE TO VISIT.
Giveaway Sponsors:
Winning prizes will be sent once the Crypto-Shots team sees this winners announcement post. Nothing in this post or any of my posts is financial advice. Always do your own research before spending any of your hard earned currencies.
Drop Link:
CryptoShots COMMUNITY:
CryptoShots SOCIALS
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptoshots_nft
- Discord: https://crypto-shots.com/discord
CryptoShots WebPage:
WAX: https://on.wax.io/wax-io/
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta