Crypto Brewmaster Free Giveaway Daily - Round 65

Giveaway number 65 is already underway. Today the prize is 20 Ecency Points.

Today's winner is @jfang003

Cryptobrewmater is a simulation game to brew the best beers you've ever tasted. It is a free game although you can invest in it if you want to advance faster or improve your recipes.

The award:
20 Ecency Points.
I will give Tips to the participants

The rules:
Simple, just leave a comment saying you want to participate with your account number.

It is appreciated:
Any advice for improvement.

Participants in previous contests:

@blitzzzz @luizeba @amaillo @dubble @siramadeus @subidu @rayius @technocrypton @yeckingo1 @lokywolf2295 @markizdeone @alinalazareva @shubhwaj @servelle @szmobacsi @arcgspy @sapi1337 @arpuch @queenjennyfer @chidiadi1 @memess.curator

If you do not want to receive notifications, put a comment and I will remove your name, thanks.


count me in


Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz

I want to participate @yeckingo1


count me in @jfang003

Thanks for the rewards

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I want to participate in the giveaway


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