I recently joined Moon Karts, which takes racing to a whole new level, not just on Earth, but also in space and between galaxies! I've loved racing games for a long time, but I finally decided to change my mind and try Play2Earn games instead of traditional games that take up my time for no reward. Moon Karts was the perfect start for me.
Honestly, the game was easier than I imagined as it's not as complicated as some other blockchain games. You can easily upgrade and buy cards, and there are plenty of tutorials to help anyone get started quickly. To be honest, having the game on the ArcadeColony platform made a huge difference for me, because the platform itself is organized and easy to use, so I got into the game without any problems.
Another thing I liked was the graphic design and menus. It's clear that great detail has been put into the gameplay, whether in the tracks, characters, or cards. Everything is organized and clear, which makes for a fun and smooth gaming experience. Currently, I'm trying to understand strategies that will allow me to win more races and collect higher rewards, but this is still early days, and the future looks set to be very exciting in the world of space racing.
One of the things that attracted me to Moon Karts was the intense competitiveness so the game isn't just about racing but also involve choosing the right cards for each kart which adds a very interesting strategic so each race presents a new challenge and each time you learn something that will help you level up and improve your choices. Furthermore the game has a very encouraging rewards system. The more you play and achieve better results and the more you earn in-game currency that you can use for development or even withdraw and convert to crypto.
This game really made me think differently about the concept of games. Instead of just wasting time, I began to feel that there is a purpose and something useful to come from them. The experience so far has been enjoyable, and I still have a lot to learn and try, but what I'm sure of is that Moon Karts isn't just a racing game. It's a new gateway to the world of blockchain gaming, which I intend to delve into more and more.