I bought more fans and exceeded one hundred million. Greetings, my dear earthlings.I keep taking advantage of that Starbits gift price, I think that any small change in the game, like you implement the requirement and so players should invest part of what we earn, or if they open another island that costs between 2 to 6 million, So put the first 30 players invested or just about 30 of 7000 players that is the total base of the game.

Compré más fans y superé el millón cien. Saludos, mis estimados terrícolas. Sigo aprovechando ese precio de regalo del Starbits, creo que ante cualquier pequeño cambio del juego, como que implementes lo de pedir requisitos y así los jugadores debamos invertir parte de lo que ganemos, o si abren otra isla que cueste entre 2 a 6 millones, con eso pongan que los primeros 30 jugadores invirtamos o solo unos 30 de 7000 jugadores que es la base total del juego.

Hey, I invested more than to raise in rank a post or two and rather I disappeared from the map, hehe, for sure tomorrow I appear again, there you can see that everyone below where I was has gone up, it shows yellow the names of players and other green, there I was, in rank 14.

Hey, invertí más como para subir en el rank un puesto o dos y más bien desaparecí del mapa, jeje, de seguro mañana aparezco de nuevo, allí pueden ver que todos debajo de donde yo estaba han subido, se nota amarillo los nombres de jugadores y otros verde, allí estaba yo, en el rank 14.

More Promote Fan Club, from the already I go hard with those missions to go to the day, although in the image below you can see that you see an error and appears first the 1225, and then the 1200 that I already overcome.

Más Promote Fan Club, desde el ya voy duro con esas misiones para ir al día, aunque en la imagen de abajo pueden apreciar que se ve un error y aparece primero las 1225, y después as 1200 que ya superé.

All images are screenshot of the game
Todas las imágenes son capture de pantalla del juego
Bilingüe: Que utiliza dos lenguas al mismo nivel o se hace en dos lenguas
Bilingual: That uses two languages ??at the same level or is done in two languages.

Thats a whole lot of fans. And your idea is a good one, that is another way to burn starbits.
have a nice day
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, the idea is to burn Starbits, because if you leave as in the millionaire mission rather affects the market slowed down any price improvement, because if players see that increases the price of Starbit, go out and sell the million which has caused it to create depreciation. This is another option the million of the millionaire should be held for at least a few days to be withdrawn. It can also offer another millionaire than 15000 Starbits but they must burn the million to reduce depreciation.