The main concept or occurrence surrounding germ/contagion theory that people have a hard time wrapping their head around, is their observation of people getting sick simultaneously/back-to-back within close proximity of other people who are sick.
This is what I tell them:
You eat the same food, drink the same water, use the same products, breathe the same air, stree iver the same things, live in the same climate and you are subjected to the same change in weather/seasons.... You are also sharing a physiological/etheric connection when you occupy the same space on a regular basis.. There is also the concept of empathy. These are all reasons why it appears that we get each other sick.
Personally I haven't ruled out the concept of people spreading toxicity to others or certain bacteria's/funguses.... It's the virus/contagion theory, the way that it is delivered to us, that is the deception. Intentionally programmed to strip you of your power/knowing how to be healthy and remain healthy. This is the Western way, to give your power to authority/the Christ/the teacher/the white coat/the police officer /the politician.... It successfully pits the population against one another, to literally protect their abuser, who they have not identified as being so.
Stockholm Syndrome at its finest
..... environmentally exposed to and sprayed with the same s***...