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RE: Fatty Apocalypse: Black Start Cyber Attacks and TikTok Nurses Morph Into Climatards!

The Climate Crisis is just as artificial as the Covid plandemic in which the deaths were iatrogenic, such as being intubated and the air pressure set high enough to pop the alveoli in their lungs, overdosed on midazolam and oxy's, and dosed on remdesivir until their kidneys fail. CO2 is widely known to be a constraint on ecosystem production today, having declined for millions of years until photosynthesis was almost impossible during the LGM, CO2 dropping to ~190ppm, only reversing as the ice age ended, the oceans warmed and released massive amounts of CO2.


We can see there is zero correlation between CO2 and temperature, and while correlation isn't, inverse or in-correlation disproves causative effect.


Water vapor is the only real greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, but Zionazis can't ban water.

The facts so blatantly disprove the AGW BS I am confident the Zionazis will fail. The ongoing adoption of decentralized means of production, because they vastly increase the retention of actual wealth by them that produce it and people are greedy, will prevent the continuing increase of concentration of wealth and power in the Banksters walled gardens, and the concatenation of the advent of the Space Age with transcendence of centralization will instead usher in the paradise prophesied millennia ago, in which our posterity will seize the very stars of the heavens as footstools for their feet to develop at their whim and create inconceivable prosperity in absolute freedom, because armies cannot round up a diaspora in the vast, barren reaches of space to project force for overlords, and our beloved sons and daughters will enjoy unprecedented felicity in their good company in perpetuity.
