Mi avance tatuando
Hola, espero se encuentren bien mis queridos lectores.

My tattooing progress
I hope you are well my dear readers.
this time I come with the CATASTROPHIC story of my first time tattooing, like everything, one is not born learned, and it is a very funny anecdote, and a good learning for me, because it not only helped me with the tattoo but with different areas of my life.
Ahora si, contare un poco lo que fue mi interes hacia el mundo del tatuaje
Now, I will tell you a little bit about my interest in the tattoo world.
I was a child, I lived in a small town far away from the city, where I was used to see, most of the women, being housewives, the most they did, was to study until high school, while I was in school, my parents were working, so I spent the day with an uncle, or with my babysitter. I was always very good at drawing, so it was my favorite hobby, and I used to tell my mother that I wanted to be an artist, but she always told me the same thing "ART IS NOT A LIFE" so it was just something that went through my head. I was very applied in my studies, and always did what the elders said. One day accompanying an uncle to his business, came a group of bikers, and one of them got off a girl, super tattooed, and with airs of superiority, I found it incredible, and uncommon, to what I was used to seeing, thanks to that woman, my interest in body art grew.

"el trabajo soñado?"..
"the dream job?"..
Well, as I said, I always excelled in art, and when I was in my first semesters of my career, I tried to learn different things about it, among them: to carve wood, paint, work with clay, macrame, among others, and increase my skills as a draftsman. And well, during that time I was very curious, and I decided to get my first tattoo, from a drawing I did, when I went to the studio, the tattoo artist, saw my work and asked me several questions, besides, he bought me a painting I did, and well besides tattooing me, I ended up working for him.

Agarre la maquina, y no fue lo que esperaba
I grabbed the machine, and it wasn't what I expected.
well, the truth is a funny story, that at the time invaded me a lot of emotions, having enough time working in the studio, I grew a lot and practiced a lot what is the composition of a design, I improved my drawing techniques, because my goal was to tattoo, one day, my boss out of nowhere told me that I should tattoo one of my friends, I was super confident that it was going to look good, but just at that moment, another friend who was there, made a derogatory comment about it, and I lost my confidence immediately, I must emphasize that I had never in my life grabbed the machine, I did not know what to do, I just trusted in my improvements in the drawing.
And well my best friend, did not think of choosing something easier, she chose a planet earth with paper airplanes, that is a circle with details... I must say that it was a horrible experience, the circle did not look like a circle, the airplanes were crashed.... a, and I didn't tattoo neither chile, nor argentina hahahahahah or those countries didn't exist in the template (I owe you the reference picture) anyway, I arrived home so sad and depressed and crying, questioning myself, that I wasn't good for that, the next day, I told my boss that I wouldn't tattoo anymore, and he just slapped me and just said: if you want to do this, you must start to have more confidence in yourself.

Si realmente quería tatuar, debía trabajar duro hasta conseguirlo
If I really wanted to tattoo, I had to work hard until I got it.
Well, as in this life nothing is rosy, I wanted to learn more, I had already cultivated more confidence in myself, and not only applied it at work, and that showed, I told my boss, I wanted him to teach me to tattoo, he had really said yes, but at no time he sat down with me to explain, and in a matter of time, he just said he would not tattoo, so I just decided to stop working there, and well, I looked for other options, and practiced on my own, thanks to YouTube videos, so I just decided to stop working there, and well, I looked for other options, and practiced on my own, he just said he would not tattoo, so I just decided to stop working there, and well, I looked for other options, and practiced on my own, thanks to YouTube videos, and after almost 3 years without doing another tattoo on a person, I was ready, and again, I tattooed one of my dearest friends, I spent a lot of time in the piece but it was perfect.

Impresionada con mis tatuajes actuales a los primeros que hice.

Sin mas, queridos, espero disfruten de mi anécdota como principiante, Good Vibes.
Impressed with my current tattoos, to the first ones I did.
To date, I have varied with the styles, I have almost two years, and I must say that I love more and more what I do, remembering all the obstacles in the way, if you want to do it from the heart, do not stay with the desire and fight for it.
Without further ado, my dears, I hope you enjoy my anecdote as a beginner, Good Vibes.
Al leerte imaginaba todo jeje, tu jefe fue muy extremista, una al decirte de buenas a primeras que tenías que tatuar así sin son ni Ton, y otra a darte la cachetada e ánimo 👀 eso es una locura, no es igual hacer un dibujo que tatuar, se debe practicar mucho adaptarse a la vibración de la máquina y dominarla, saber cuánto debes introducir una aguja,lo bueno es que pudiste hacerlo por ti misma, seguro que en Youtube se consigue buena clases pero nada como un instructor, un mentor y bueno practicar mucho. Me alegra que lo hayas logrado. Saludos 🤗
jajaja es algo que jamas olvidare, es taaaaan raaro, pero bueno, se puede decir que es una buena anecdota, digno para contarle a los nietos jajajajja
muchisimas graciiias
De niños es cuando tenemos a flor de piel aquello que más nos gusta, los dones se olvidan con el tiempo si dejamos de soñar.
Me ha encanto el este post, es una historia bellísima sobre el tatuaje y tu vida, saber tu origen y costumbre familiar y ver como surgió la admiración por el tatuaje es un buen descubrimiento, muchas veces nos llenamos de bloqueos por escuchar un mensaje de una figura importe en la familia y nos llena de creencias limitantes como por ejemplo la que mencionas hoy "del arte no se vive"; sin embargo, seguiste adelante con tu pasión, te felicito por perseguir tus sueños.
Que triste esa primera experiencia, pero es un choque con la realidad que te hizo más fuerte. Tu primer jefe te apoyo hasta que creciste después tal vez te vio como competencia o le gano el egoísmo y por eso te cerró las puertas, lo mejor es lo que pasa.
Tienes un gran avance en poco tiempo, te felicito.
Como recomendación, no uses tantas fotos en un post, intenta guardar para futuros post, así no te verás tentada a reciclar, eso no se permite en la comunidad y cada vez que publiques recuerda apoyar a otros de la comunidad, es bueno promocionar los post en Twitter y etiquetar la cuenta de la comunidad @tattooworl25672.
Que estés muy bien, hasta pronto.
esta bien, muchisimas gracias por el consejo 💗
Tengo muchos amigos artistas plásticos que luego se dedicaron al tatuaje y ahora están triunfando, todo se basa en la constancia, me alegra que no te hayas dado por vencida en la primera experiencia, tus trabajos actuales están muy buenos, te deseo muchos éxitos.
Recuerda pasar por otros post de la comunidad, lo más bonito es apoyarnos mutuamente.
Abrazo 🤗
eso es lo mas admirble que veo, alguien que alcance sus objetivos... muchisimas gracias
No siempre los comienzos son historias de éxito, pero está en nosotros no dejarnos arrastrar por los fracasos o las fallas, pues la constancia es la que nos hará expertos y nos llevará a la senda de los logros.
Me encantó esta historia, tan llena de verdades, pues creo que a la mayoría nos dicen por ahí no es, cuando rompemos el esquema de lo que esperan de nosotros.