I'm glad you see the world from a different perspective. We overthink sometimes, especially about things we shouldn't overstress about. But, as regards ones health, you wouldn't blame her, outbreaks are not easy to handle emotionally, it's just human nature I guess... We all want to live in good health, don't we?
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Exactly, sometimes we put unnecessary pressures on ourselves that end up affecting us in the long run. However, not all of us have the wisdom to manage this aspect of our lives. Experience and the improvement of intellectual capacity will facilitate the management of situations that can cause us stress and prevent it from substantially harming us.
What you say about health is true: we all want good health, but this aspect is sometimes overlooked because we have habits that accustom us to follow a continuous pattern. Let's consider the eating pattern: a diet with high carbohydrate intake increases the risk of diabetes, one of the most important chronic diseases worldwide. I can assure you that many people are aware of this situation and yet you can find people around you who maintain harmful eating habits, conducive to diabetes. These aspects, then, when they get sick, worry them, especially if the outcome is very likely. Not to mention the fact that there are people who have no choice but to eat what they can.
My mother, for example, showed a pattern of emotional behavior. Her concern led her to seek my opinion, hoping for reassuring answers. This example illustrates that not all of us possess the emotional skills to process information without overreacting to unlikely events. Anxiety, in particular, generates an emotional charge that makes life difficult. We must help those around us to manage their negative behavioral patterns, preventing serious consequences for their long-term health and well-being.