¡Hola comunidad de holos & lotos! Que gusto poder saludarlos y estar de nuevo con ustedes para participar en esta iniciativa que propone @damarysvibra, sobre romper los moldes, moldes de mameluco.
Hello holos & lotos community! What a pleasure to be able to greet you and be with you again to participate in this initiative proposed by @damarysvibra, about breaking the molds, mameluco molds.
No entendía, porque mameluco en Venezuela es una prenda de vestir de bebé, pero uno no puede quedarse con la duda y tuve que investigar. Con respecto a lo que leí y el contexto que da @damarysvibra en la invitación a la iniciativa, me enteré, que los mamelucos eran unos soldados esclavos y que él termino significa, "bien poseído" y que tenían una educación rigurosa y profesaban una lealtad inquebrantable a su amo, al cual veían como su verdadero padre, al que obedecían ciegamente todos y cada uno de sus designios.
I didn't understand, because mameluco in Venezuela is a baby's garment, but one can't stay with the doubt and I had to investigate. With respect to what I read and the context that @damarysvibra gives in the invitation to the initiative, I learned that the Mamelukes were slave soldiers and that the term means, "well possessed" and that they had a rigorous education and professed an unwavering loyalty to their master, whom they saw as their real father, to whom they blindly obeyed each and every one of his designs.
From there comes that way that parents direct their children, and that under their tutelage, the children have to do and obey the ways they dictate what to do at home, only what the parents say, and that this same "tradition" passes from generation to generation and is only broken temporarily, when the children free themselves from the paternal yoke, to face with responsibility, each one of their acts and that later, those emancipated children, in their adulthood, will try to prevent their children from doing whatever they want, until they can fend for themselves.
When we say "breaking the mameluke mold", I imagine that we are talking about that moment in which the child, who up to that moment has been tutored by the parents, assumes the challenge of facing his life, under his own parameters and interests.
From a very young age, we are taught to obey our parents, that it is our duty as children, to contribute to our families, economically, socially, emotionally, morally and especially to serve as an example to the rest of the siblings, much more, if you are an "older brother".
Pero llegado el momento nos tenemos que independizar, ya nuestros instintos nos piden que debemos abandonar la casa familiar, llega el momento de la toma de decisiones propias y enfrentar nuestras responsabilidades, en lo de la administración del tiempo y de los recursos economicos, de manejar los gastos de forma más eficiente, para que nos alcancen para cubrir nuestras necesidades.
Dejar el nido no es fácil, hasta ese momento nuestros padres han dictado todas y cada una de las leyes, normas, reglas, reglas de las normas... o sea todo, todo lo que tiene que ver con nuestra vida, la rigen los designios de nuestros padres, pasar de allí a valerte por ti mismo, es difícil , romper ese cordón umbilical no es lo que pensamos, porque todas las enseñanzas recibidas están grabadas en nuestro cerebro, pero paulatinamente vamos adquiriendo esa sabiduría que sólo es dada a través de las experiencias vividas y superadas.
But when the time comes we have to become independent, our instincts tell us that we must leave the family home, the time comes to make our own decisions and face our responsibilities, in terms of time management and economic resources, to manage expenses more efficiently, so that they are enough to cover our needs.
Leaving the nest is not easy, until that moment our parents have dictated each and every one of the laws, rules, rules, rules of the rules ... that is everything, everything that has to do with our life, is governed by the designs of our parents, go from there to fend for yourself, it is difficult, break that umbilical cord is not what we think, because all the teachings received are engraved in our brain, but gradually we acquire that wisdom that is only given through the experiences lived and overcome.
En su momento me tocó romper el esquema que mis padres tenían, en cuanto decidí, qué quería estudiar en la universidad, me enamoré de la navegación y la pesca, una carrera netamente para "varones", a según, pero yo logré estudiarlo, comencé a trabajar todavia estudiándo, y eso me dió pie a querer volar por mis propios medios, aunado a que me fui a vivir otra ciudad, me vi en la necesidad de solventar mis problemas por mi misma. Eso sí, bajo los parámetros de mis valores éticos y morales que me inculcaron en casa, que aún en la actualidad no me parecen ni malos, ni fuera de contexto, porque no son rígidos. Pero aprendí a defender mi integridad personal y a aceptar que las personas son entes individuales que tienen una vida para vivirla, a su manera personalizada y no están buscando quien los critique, los juzgue o los agreda con actitudes obtusas.
El criterio que imperaba en mi casa materna es la unión familiar, la amistad sincera, el apoyo a quien lo necesite, todos trabajan por las cosas de casa, los hermanos se apoyan entre sí; si hay uno que otro de esos criterios que he conservado intactos, pero hay otros que no, pues una no puede entregarse por completo, porque hay veces que los demás no aprecian tus sacrificios, sino que se valen de tu nobleza para utilizarte y si pueden dañarte en el camino, lo hacen sin que les duela nada por dentro, con esos personajes he puesto cierta distancia, me ha dolido porque ha sido familia, pero hay que sentar precedentes sino quieres que te hagan daño.
At the time I had to break the scheme that my parents had, when I decided what I wanted to study at the university, I fell in love with sailing and fishing, a career purely for "men", according to them, but I managed to study it, I started working while still studying, and that gave me the opportunity to want to fly by my own means, coupled with the fact that I went to live in another city, I saw the need to solve my problems by myself. Of course, under the parameters of my ethical and moral values that were instilled in me at home, which even today do not seem to me neither bad, nor out of context, because they are not rigid. But I learned to defend my personal integrity and to accept that people are individual entities that have a life to live, in their own personalized way and are not looking for someone to criticize them, judge them or attack them with obtuse attitudes.
The criteria that prevailed in my mother's house is family unity, sincere friendship, support for those who need it, everyone works for things at home, siblings support each other; There are some of these criteria that I have kept intact, but there are others that I have not, because one cannot give oneself completely, because there are times when others do not appreciate your sacrifices, but use your nobility to use you and if they can harm you on the way, they do it without hurting anything inside, with these characters I have put some distance, it has hurt me because it has been family, but you have to set precedents if you do not want them to hurt you.
En respuesta a cuál ha sido el paradigma adoptado, les cuento que a estas alturas de mi vida, no tengo que demostrarle nada a nadie y que he aprendido a cultivar pensamientos, ideas, reflexiones buenas para mi, estoy abierta a aprender y también a desaprender cuestiones innecesarias y nocivas para mi yo interior, cometo errores y de ellos también hay que sacar cosas buenas. Con respecto a las interacciones sociales también he aprendido a dar y recibir cariño, amor y comprensión, pero sólo sí es un intercambio mutuo. En lo familiar, el amor por mi núcleo está presente, pero no me apego , porque hay que dejar respirar y enseñar a los hijos a responsabilizarse de sí mismos, en cierta medida, como dice un pescador artesanal muy amigo, echas el anzuelo, dejas que el pez juegue con él, pero cuando te jala duro el cordel, te toca jalar más duro para traerlo de vuelta con la recompensa.
In response to what has been the paradigm adopted, I tell you that at this point in my life, I do not have to prove anything to anyone and I have learned to cultivate thoughts, ideas, reflections that are good for me, I am open to learn and also to unlearn unnecessary and harmful to my inner self, I make mistakes and from them we must also get good things. With respect to social interactions I have also learned to give and receive affection, love and understanding, but only if it is a mutual exchange. In the family, love for my family is present, but I do not get attached, because you have to let your children breathe and teach them to take responsibility for themselves, to a certain extent, as a fisherman friend of mine says, you set the hook, you let the fish play with it, but when it pulls the line hard, you have to pull harder to bring it back with the reward.
Le agradezco enormemente su visita y va ser un gran placer recibir sus comentarios y sugerencias van a ser muy apreciados ¡muchas gracias!
Thank you very much for your visit and it will be a great pleasure to receive your comments and suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated, thank you very much!
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