Initiative: Who am I? How do I see the world? (ESP-ENG)

in Holos&Lotus3 months ago

Hola a toda la comunidad. Espero que estén bien y que hayan pasado un buen fin de semana. También les deseo muchas bendiciones.

Hello to all the community. I hope you are well and that you had a good weekend. I also wish you many blessings.

Si observamos el mundo y escuchamos a diario las noticias en las redes sociales, los noticieros, que hablan sobre los desastres naturales, las guerras, la crisis económicas, el hambre y pobreza y más en los países del Tercer Mundo, entenderán a qué me refiero. Por ejemplo, las guerras en Oriente Medio, son muy tristes, sobre todo por la destrucción de territorios como Palestina. En la actualidad hay guerras por los territorios, por los recursos naturales, por el petróleo, por conflictos religiosos, por luchas entre etnias del mismo país, etc. Es muy triste y deprimente ver todo eso y que la guerra la crean los gobiernos y son los civiles, el pueblo, los más vulnerables, los que resultan afectados.

If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, talking about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, which talk about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Este año ha habido varios desastres naturales, como tormentas tropicales, ciclones y lluvias torrenciales como las que hubo en España. En mi país, por ejemplo, el ciclón Oscar causó estragos, sobre todo en Guantánamo, y el último que pasó también afectó a varias provincias: viviendas destrozadas, árboles y postes electricos caídos, lo que provocó varios días sin corriente y mucha gente cargando agua, dificultades hasta para hacer el pan, etc. Fueron días duros de tensión y estrés para muchas personas; hay quienes estuvieron hasta siete u ocho días sin electricidad y otros problemas. Pero, bueno, ya mucho gente se ha ido recuperando bastante.

This year there have been several natural disasters, such as tropical storms, cyclones and torrential rains like those in Spain. In my country, for example, cyclone Oscar caused havoc, especially in Guantánamo, and the last one that passed also affected several provinces: houses were destroyed, trees and electricity poles fell, which caused several days without electricity and many people carrying water, difficulties even to make bread, etc. They were hard days of tension and stress for many people; there were those who were up to seven or eight days without electricity and other problems. If you look around the world and listen to the news on social networks and newscasts every day, talking about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I am talking about. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

En el mundo pasan muchas cosas malas, pero no podemos pensar que todo es malo, y que todo lo que nos rodea es malo, ni que todas las personas son malas. También hay personas buenas con buenos sentimientos y, además, nos pueden pasar muchas cosas buenas en el presente y en el futuro si tenemos una actitud y una mente positivas y pensamos que todo nos va a salir bien, sin pensar todo el tiempo en lo malo, en cosas negativas.

Many bad things happen in the world, but we cannot think that everything is bad, and that everything around us is bad, nor that all people are bad. There are also good people with good feelings and, in addition, many good things can happen to us in the present and in the future if we have a positive attitude and a positive mind and think that everything will go well, without thinking all the time about the bad, about negative things.If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, which talk about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

La vida tiene cosas lindas, maravillosas, lugares increíbles y, como he dicho en otras ocasiones, tenemos que verla desde un punto de vista positivo para no deprimirnos.

Life has beautiful, wonderful things, incredible places and, as I have said on other occasions, we have to see it from a positive point of view so as not to get depressed.if we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, which talk about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Como mismo dice Damarys en su publicación sobre su abuelita, mi mamá me decía desde pequeña que existían personas malas, aunque no generalizadas, y me decía que no confiaba en nadie. Pero es verdad que no debemos dejar que el miedo nos domine, tenemos que aprender a vivir sin miedo, para disfrutar más de la vida y sentirnos más cómodos y plenos en este mundo.

As Damarys says in her post about her grandmother, my mother told me since I was a child that there were bad people, although not generalized, and she told me not to trust anyone. But it is true that we should not let fear dominate us, we have to learn to live without fear, to enjoy life more and feel more comfortable and full in this world.If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, that talk about natural disasters, wars, economic crisis, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Tenemos que tener una actitud equilibrada en este mundo: cuidarnos de los vicios, pero también disfrutar de la vida, comer alimentos sanos y ricos, observar los paisajes y el sonido de los animales, etc.

We have to have a balanced attitude in this world: take care of our vices, but also enjoy life, eat healthy and rich food, observe the landscapes and the sound of animals, etc. If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, which talk about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Volviendo al principio, cuando escuchamos las malas noticias, pensamos en una frase que oímos desde niños: "El mundo está patas arriba",es un caos, pero también es un privilegio vivir. Para mí, la vida es sagrada, es un don divino y no es menos cierto, es algo real que vivimos en este mundo en este año 2024 que está finalizando y, por lo menos yo, deseo que todo mejore. Le pido a Dios que el mundo sea un lugar mejor, pero actualmente como reina el egoísmo, la ambición y la desigualdad social, las guerras por el poder, la falta de unidad, entre otros factores, hace que no haya un mundo en el que reine la paz y la igualdad, la seguridad , el alimento y la vivienda para todos.

Going back to the beginning, when we hear the bad news, we think of a phrase we have heard since we were children: "The world is upside down", it is chaos, but it is also a privilege to live. For me, life is sacred, it is a divine gift and it is no less true, it is something real that we live in this world in this year 2024 that is ending and, at least me, I wish that everything gets better. I ask God that the world be a better place, but currently as selfishness, ambition and social inequality reigns, wars for power, lack of unity, among other factors, makes it so that there is no world in which peace and equality reign, security, food and housing for all. If we observe the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, talking about natural disasters, wars, economic crises, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Por eso, las personas de buen corazón debemos seguir ayudándonos y no perder la fe de que puede haber un mundo mejor.
Como dice el verso bíblico: "Hay más felicidad en dar que en recibir".

Therefore, we good-hearted people must continue to help each other and not lose faith that there can be a better world.

As the biblical verse says: "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving".

If we look at the world and listen daily to the news on social networks, newscasts, talking about natural disasters, wars, economic crisis, hunger and poverty and more in Third World countries, you will understand what I mean. For example, the wars in the Middle East are very sad, especially the destruction of territories such as Palestine. Nowadays there are wars for territories, for natural resources, for oil, for religious conflicts, for fights between ethnic groups of the same country, etc. It is very sad and depressing to see all this and that war is created by governments and it is the civilians, the people, the most vulnerable, who are affected.

Translation by means of deepl
Image was taken by @estilodereba