I had a long time without joining this community and in general the Hive ecosystem, but today I found the opportunity because I got a computer to write these lines that really makes me immensely happy, in other words the energy is aligned to write my anecdotes and life experiences. @holos-lotus
A subject that I particularly love because most of the time of my 49 years of life, I have spent in a classroom or simply training formally in schools, high schools, universities.
First of all I am going to recall those moments that made me feel really happy and that make me treasure those years, because they became sources of inspiration to become what I am today.
Etapa inicial (Educación pre-escolar y parte de mi primaria) en Cumaná:
Initial stage (pre-school education and part of my elementary school) in Cumaná:
I started studying pre-school education in Cumaná and one of the best moments I remember was when I participated in cultural events, especially in plays and dances. I have always liked to dance and that relaxes me and helps me to reduce my daily stress level.
I remember that I participated in a play about "Heidi" and because of my short stature I was given the role of the most curious and smallest sheep, I played the role of "snowflake". My maternal grandmother was in charge of making the costume and I had to be on my knees playing the character, everyone said that I looked very pretty but the truth is that the costume was very hot, and I remember it because the costume then passed from generation to generation in the family, until I could no longer use it due to deterioration.
At that stage I met many friends, which I still keep and have recovered thanks to social networks.
Primaria y Secundaria en Maturín:
Primary and Secondary School in Maturín:
This stage I had to arrive at a new school in 5th grade, and the truth is that I thought I would cry because imagine, arriving in another city, not knowing anyone and adapting I thought it would be very difficult, but on the contrary, between 5th and 6th grade, I participated in cultural activities, I went to Maracaibo to represent our school in a national festival of children's choirs, we were at the headquarters of the Niños Cantores del Zulia and I tell you that it was the first time I traveled without my parents and you can imagine, I cried all the way, which caused me problems to sing. It was a moment that I will always treasure, because it gave me the opportunity to see the lightning of Catatumbo and it was something really impressive, likewise passing over the bridge over Lake Maracaibo, a truly enriching experience.
Years later, in high school, I had the opportunity to meet my great friends, I still have them and that is one of the most important treasures of my life, friendship is something that neither time nor space could mitigate, and it has been an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of those days where playing volleyball, dancing for the first time with a boy, going to parties became the experiences in the process of transformation from girl to teenager.
Pero no todo puede ser color de rosa, en esta etapa mis padres se divorcian y nos regresamos a Cumaná.
But not everything can be rosy, at this stage my parents divorced and we moved back to Cumana.
De regreso al Liceo final de 3er año, 4 y 5 año (Cumaná)
Back to the final high school of 3rd, 4th and 5th year (Cumaná)
This stage was the time of the music that identified me, my tastes were really varied, from the lambada of the group Kaoma, the music of Natusha, San Martin, Madonna, Ricardo Montaner, Karina, Antonietta with her song Do what you want, the melodics, among others, became that process of bringing my studies to social relations with my classmates, in this sense I remember that almost every week we were partying, it was the stage of celebration of the 15 years, and the quadrilles. Truly unforgettable moments.
In 5th grade, I went to represent the school in science festivals, I was always a very good student in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, my worst grade was always in sports.
Etapa Universitaria Pregrado y Postgrado.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate University Stage.
I can tell you that my friends who became sisters that life gave me still communicate with me, and although we are in different countries, they will always have a special place in my heart, for so many anecdotes, some good and some not so good. From the University I will always remember our parties, studying at friends' houses, attending national and international congresses, those days of exams in which I suffered a lot, and the thesis expositions that got me out of gray hair and where I learned to embrace fear in my favor.
As I mentioned at the beginning, my life has practically always been spent in an educational space, so I obtained 4 university degrees, Engineer, Master, Master's and a PhD in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic, the latter left me with disappointments, but also a lot of learning that I apply in my life actions.
My doctoral thesis topic was related to the construction of a leadership style from the Dimensions of BEING, in which I related the dimensions body, mind, emotions and spirit to achieve a new style, based on humanism and energetic construction as a fundamental part to promote and empower collaborators, starting from the recognition of self-leadership.
As you can read, in general terms I commented on the beautiful aspects of that journey, but the truth is that it was a roller coaster of emotions, scenarios, experiences, learning to unlearn and learn to strengthen myself as a human being to become the professional that I am at this moment. This is why the student's life is the best, you who read me, enjoy it, remember it fondly, focus on those moments that made you transform positively, especially thanking for everything you have lived.
Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to share with you these lines to show how wonderful my time was.
Invito a @luisguarin14 y a @angelica7 para participar en esta iniciativa
I invite @luisguarin14 and @angelica7 to participate in this initiative.
Fotos tomada desde mi facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ediyelly/
Edición: https://www.canva.com/
Traductor: https://www.deepl.com/
Magnífico es poder contar con esas amistades que nos dio la vida estudiantil porque demuestra que se ha sabido manejar dferentes situaciones.
También pasé por la experiencia de estudias de primero a quinto grados en mi pueblo natal, y nos mudamos a otro a estuadiar sexto. Pero gracias a Dios, uno se adapta,
Así es, me siento privilegiada por contar con amistades de más de 30 años y aun nos reimos recordando las ocurrencias y tantas anecdotas. La adaptación es fundamental de lo contrario pasamos el tiempo sin darnos cuenta de ese abánico de posibilidades que tenemos a nuestro alcance. Gracias por leer @lecumberre, saludos...
Que lindo tener esa experiencia de estudiante. Felicidades
Mi apoyo es gracias a la amiga @charjaim
Gracias!!! Así es, se disfruta cada momento, se recuerdan esos instantes maravillosos y los momentos díficiles se asumen como experiencias de empoderamiento, para fortalecernos en la vida... Saludos @noelmut19
Qué buenos recuerdos desde esa primera actuación en el teatro como «copito de nieve», hasta tus logros profesionales actuales. Sí , una vida entera en las aulas tal como dices. Lo mejor: esos interesantes hallazgos en las dimensiones del Ser para establecer un liderazgo y las grandes amistades aún presentes en tu vida.
Gracias por contarnos. Saludos cordiales.
Por eso siempre digo que la vida la podemos ver con el cristal que decidamos, puede ser hris o de colores, dependerá de nosotros los matices. Los momentos vividos siempre serán recuerdos que nos ayudan a crecer, a ser la mejor versión de lo que fuimos en un momento o instante.... Siempre me gustó participar en actos culturales y te cuento que temblaba mucho, pero lo que siempre aprendí fue que con la música podia disipar esos miedos que a veces me paralizaban... Lo más complejo es dar el primer paso, atreverse y tener una mentalidad abierta a las posibilidades de vida... Soy afortunada por contar con amistades de más de 30 años de vida, y agradezco cada momento vivido. Gracias @charjaim por esta maravillosa propuesta para relatar nuestras historias en la época escolar... Gracias!
Las experiencias de la vida estudiantil sin duda quedan guardadas en lo más recóndito de nuestro ser.. Gracias por compartir las tuyas amiga✨
Sin dudarlo.. Cada época la atesoro mucho... Aun recuerdo tantas anecdotas y experiencias, algunas buenas y otras no tan buenas.... Gracias @alizmarpaola por leer y comentar