WOW your mandala is AMAZING! I love it so much and am so in awe of your skills.
Maybe this is not the kind of music someone would expect from a mandala drawing but...these powerful sounds ignite my inner fire and probably also misalign a little bit my chakras :D
HAHAHAHAHA, I understand I often listen to what my sister called "angry music" too. I figure it's a way healthier way to deal with negative emotions than some other ways! So maybe it's helping your chakras! ;)
I love the insights you write about having while working on your mandala. And I empathize with some of them - as early as high school I was wearing a brace on my wrist from the pains I had developed from writing and drawing for hours every day. Copper helps me, I don't know if it would help you too, but it is anti-inflammatory so I have always had copper bracelets since I learned that it works.
I don't know how you do pointilism! We had to do that once or twice in art class in school and I found it the opposite of soothing, so I'm impressed that you do, ha ha.
¡WOW tu mandala es INCREÍBLE! Me encanta tanto y estoy tan asombrado de tus habilidades.
Quizás este no es el tipo de música que alguien esperaría de un dibujo de mandala, pero ... estos poderosos sonidos encienden mi fuego interior y probablemente también desalinean un poco mis chakras: D
JAJAJAJAJA, tengo entendido que a menudo también escucho lo que mi hermana llama "música enojada". ¡Me imagino que es una forma más saludable de lidiar con las emociones negativas que otras formas! ¡Entonces tal vez esté ayudando a tus chakras! ;)
Me encantan las ideas sobre las que escribes mientras trabajas en tu mandala. Y simpatizo con algunos de ellos: ya en la escuela secundaria, llevaba un aparato ortopédico en la muñeca debido a los dolores que había desarrollado al escribir y dibujar durante horas todos los días. El cobre me ayuda, no sé si también te ayudaría a ti, pero es antiinflamatorio, así que siempre he tenido brazaletes de cobre desde que supe que funciona.
¡No sé cómo se hace el puntilismo! Tuvimos que hacer eso una o dos veces en la clase de arte en la escuela y me pareció lo opuesto a relajante, así que estoy impresionado de que lo hagas, ja, ja.
😊Thank you so much, i appreciate it! 🤣🤣 Angry music? why!!!!? Definitely helps to deal with those negative emotions, i even use it to sleep XD the deep sounds of that kind of music for some reasons calms me down... You have to show some lyrics to your sister so she can see there are some romantic songs too, it's just they love with passion that's why they scream a lot hahaha.
wow copper bracelets🤔 never heard of that...I have to give it a try. I think I have copper wire lying around XD I'll have to make one. Thanks for that suggestion!
Yeah, pointillism is my favorite part. I think it's more for the relaxation I get from doing repetitive patterns, it's normal for people with my condition. But I've noticed that others don't find it as relaxing 😂...Cheers !!!!
I hope the copper helps your pains! Let it get your skin green if it does - don't paint over it with nail polish (some people do that to stop it from getting green on your skin). You want the copper to actually come into contact with your skin to help. :) It does eventually stop turning your skin green if you wear it long enough, but it takes a while.