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RE: La Presion Social en las redes Sociales| Social Pressure on Social Networks

in Holos&Lotuslast year

If I say something , then I was stop use this old social media pages ( Facebook - Instagram - Twitter jan ) ... long, long time back ... because they collect too much of our personal information for which they should not have the right. They even sell our private life information to large companies and also on the black market too, as this is their biggest income. But with all this, we don't get a penny back if our private lives are sold 🤷🤷🤷 😑☹ the most difficult and dangerous thing they do is manipulate users, they have programs that are capable of infidually manipulating each user and directing them in the wrong direction with their thoughts and desires. And this is not a guess, they themselves have admitted that they do it also 🤦🤦 I use 100% just Hive , at least I know I can get something back here if I give my time here . 👌

But you have maid very good post. 😄👌👌☕☕


That's right, my fear is above all the new generations. They are vulnerable to not having parental supervision and there is content that should not be on these networks. However, I feel that they are tools that many of us use to sell our work as artisans, designers. But it is very true what you say, the influence of these networks in the world is so much that it has affected the culture and our values.

Greetings, thank you for your words.

Npr :) .... happy to see good post , I hope you find more good things to post .