Analizando mis debilidades (Es/En)

in Holos&Lotus3 months ago


Hola amigas y amigos de Holos & Lotus. En este post me sumo a la iniciativa propuesta por @damarysvibra: ¿Quien soy? Mis debilidades.

Otro tema complejo! Más complejo de abordar que los anteriores, diría yo. Se necesita un alto grado de autoconocimiento, madurez para realizar este ejercicio. Pero más de necesita valentía para asunirlo en público.

Pero... Cómo estamos en esta comunidad para trabajar en pro del propio crecimiento personal, me atrevo. En especial porque dándole forma a nuestras reflexiones por medio de la palabra, se contribuye a que tomemos más conciencia sobre ellas.

Entonces... Comencemos. Pero permíteme hablar también de mi historia pasada. Trato de trabajar en mi a diario y aunque resta mucho camino por recorrer aún, he de reconocer que algo me he movido del punto inicial.

Uno de los elementos que concientice me hacían daño era mi visión estrecha para comprender la realidad. Hoy he abierto un poco mas mi mente pero hubo un tiempo en que me costaba validar los puntos de vista ajenos que entraban en disonancia con los míos.

Sencillamente, mis prejuicios me dificultaban avanzar en determinsdas situaciones. Entonces, cuando me sentía amenazado "me cerraba". Por suerte en algún punto comprendí que esas actitudes, que un día interprete como indicadores de seguridad en mi mismo, no eran sino todo lo contrario.

Este era un autosabotsje que me hacia. ¿Por qué razón necesitaba tener siempre la verdad yo? Ahora... ¿Elimine por completo este hándicap? No, trabajo en ello aún.

Todavía hay situaciones en las que me doy cuenta de que me gusta ceder la razón, pero ciertamente he mejorado bastante en ello.

Obviamente, la vida me ha ido enseñando, algunas veces "a palos" que la humildad es uno de los valores que primero debemos cultivar.

Pero... ¿Que otros puntos vulnerables tengo? Bueno, igual que en el aspecto anterior, vengo trabajando con el tema de la "queja". Sencillamente he descubierto de que hay muchos modos en que la queja toma forma y ninguno de ellos es beneficioso.

Este aspecto me tomo tiempo concientizarlo. ¿Me quejaba yo? ¡Para nada! Sin embargo, un día me di cuenta mientras escuchaba a alguien realizar críticas que se estaba quejando. Sun entrar en detalles sobre esa situación tratare de explicarme.

Realizaba críticas bastante duras a alguien ( no importa quien, puede ser cualquiera) y le culpaba de su situación económica, de su frustración en el plano profesional, de su incapacidad para proveer a su familia de los recursos que necesitaba, etc.

¿Sabes que? Sentí repulsión por ese"lloriqueo". Y te digo, no había lágrimas en ese discurso. Más bien rabia, indignación. Pero lo más incómodo fue que, salvando las distancias del contenido y objeto de la crítica que hacía esa persona, me di cuenta que yo hacía algo parecido.

También yo criticaba, y con frecuencia. Me sentí identificado. Yo, al igual que ella me sacaba de encima la responsabilidad por mi propia vida.

Me di cuenta ese día de que cuando yo culpaba a alguien por mi situación sencillamente estaba auto justificando mi falta de proactividad, ¿Quizá ocultaba mi miedo al fracaso?

En fin, aún recaigo en ese vicio de vez en mes pero he tratado de incorporar a mi rutina el autoanálisis. Me pregunto: ¿Que papel has jugado tu en esto? ¿Que si depende de ti hacer para resolverlo? ¿Por qué no lo haces?

De cierto modo me he referido en estás palabras a lo que he sido, lo que soy y podras leer entre lineas ¿Hacia donde quiero ir? Trabajo a diario en analizar la cuota de responsabilidad que me toca en cada situación. Mira, está puede ser otra debilidad.

Sucede que a veces me llevo demasiado duro. No somos responsables de todo lo que nos sucede, tampoco puedo controlar las influencias que actúan sobre mi, ni su intensidad. Pero estoy convencido de que me toca hacer mi parte para procurarme mi bienestar.

No puedo dejarlo en manos de nadie, es algo demasiado valioso. Por ello a veces se me va la mano exigiendome. Puede que deba seguir aprendiendo a aceptar algunas situaciones en la vida y punto.

Bueno, agradecido de tu compañía hasta el final, te dejo un abrazo de amigo.

Texto traducido al ingles por DeepLTranslate.

English Version


Hello friends of Holos & Lotus. In this post I join the initiative proposed by @damarysvibra: Who am I? My weaknesses.

Another complex topic! More complex to tackle than the previous ones, I would say. It takes a high degree of self-knowledge, maturity to perform this exercise. But more than that, it takes courage to assume it in public.

But... How are we in this community to work for our own personal growth, I dare. Especially because giving form to our reflections by means of the word helps us to become more aware of them.

So... Let's begin. But let me also talk about my past history. I try to work on myself every day and although there is still a long way to go, I must admit that I have moved somewhat from the starting point.

One of the elements that I became aware of that hurt me was my narrow vision to understand reality. Today I have opened my mind a little more, but there was a time when it was difficult for me to validate other people's points of view that were dissonant with my own.

Simply put, my prejudices made it difficult for me to move forward in certain situations. So, when I felt threatened, I would "shut down". Fortunately, at some point I understood that these attitudes, which one day I interpreted as indicators of self-confidence, were actually the opposite.

This was a self-sabotsje that I was doing to myself. Why did I always need to have the truth? Now... Have I completely eliminated this handicap? No, I am still working on it.

There are still situations where I find that I like to give in to reason, but I've certainly gotten quite a bit better at it.

Obviously, life has been teaching me, sometimes "by force" that humility is one of the values we must first cultivate.

But... What other vulnerable points do I have? Well, as in the previous aspect, I have been working with the issue of "complaining". I have simply discovered that there are many ways in which the complaint takes shape and none of them is beneficial.

It took me a while to become aware of this aspect. Was I complaining? Not at all! However, one day it dawned on me while listening to someone perform criticism that they were complaining. Sun go into detail about that situation I will try to explain.

He was making some pretty harsh criticisms of someone (it doesn't matter who, it could be anyone) and blaming them for their financial situation, their frustration professionally, their inability to provide their family with the resources they needed, etc.

Obviously, life has been teaching me, sometimes "by force" that humility is one of the values we must first cultivate.

But... What other vulnerable points do I have? Well, as in the previous aspect, I have been working with the issue of "complaining". I have simply discovered that there are many ways in which the complaint takes shape and none of them is beneficial.

It took me a while to become aware of this aspect. Was I complaining? Not at all! However, one day it dawned on me while listening to someone perform criticism that they were complaining. Sun go into detail about that situation I will try to explain.

He was making rather harsh criticisms of someone ( it doesn't matter who, it could be anyone) and blaming them for their financial situation, their frustration on a professional level, their inability to provide their family with the resources they needed, etc.

You know what? I was repulsed by that "whining". And I tell you, there were no tears in that speech. More like anger, indignation. But the most uncomfortable thing was that, saving the distances of the content and object of the criticism that person was making, I realized that I was doing something similar.

I also criticized, and often. I identified myself with it. I, like her, was taking responsibility for my own life off my shoulders.

I realized that day that when I blamed someone else for my situation I was simply self-justifying my lack of proactivity, perhaps I was hiding my fear of failure?

Anyway, I still fall back into that vice from time to month but I have tried to incorporate self-analysis into my routine. I wonder: What role have you played in this? What if it's up to you to do to solve it? Why don't you do it?

In a way I have referred in these words to what I have been, what I am and you can read between the lines where I want to go? I work daily on analyzing my share of responsibility in each situation. Look, this may be another weakness.

It happens that sometimes I carry myself too hard. We are not responsible for everything that happens to us, nor can I control the influences that act on me, nor their intensity. But I am convinced that it is up to me to do my part to procure my well-being.

I cannot leave it in the hands of anyone, it is too precious. That's why I sometimes go too far in making demands on myself. Maybe I should keep learning to accept some situations in life, period.

Well, grateful for your company until the end, I leave you a friend's hug.

Text translated to English by DeepLTranslate.


Interesante reflexión que tira hacia el crecimiento personal. Saludos

Muchas gracias por su análisis y por la visita!