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RE: "Pintando mi Mándala de Bienestar" / "Painting my Wellness Mandala"

Hello @holos-lotus. You have an interesting Community. I was thinking about joining in the mandala contest. After reading all the rules of your Community and the requirements of the mandala contest, I have a question.

In your "Welcome to the Community post, you write:

Contents that do not belong to their creator or do not contain links to the sources or images consulted will be muted.

In your Mandala contest post, you write:

You should hand draw a Mandala, or print a design you like from the internet and color each of its spaces, or you can make your own design digitally and paint it manually. Take a picture or scan it to be the cover of your publication.

The reason I highlight both of these sections in the two posts is that I can't just grab an image from the internet and use it if it isn't free to use. Anyone who searches for images must first visit sites that allow you to use their images for free. The sites will clearly inform you of this when you visit them.

Just linking to an image on any site doesn't give me permission to use that image if the image is not free.

I feel that the language gives the impression in these two instances you write above that I can locate any image and use it, even if the image is not free for me to use.

Perhaps I'm reading these two sections incorrectly.


Thanks for the question, you are absolutely right. We should make use of images that are copyright free, i.e. available for use and properly cite the source

Then I think your language is a bit vague. I was looking through your Community and read a a post that utilized an image that was from Pinterest. I advised her the image was not free to use. She thanked me for telling her.

Here's another response to me:

I'm glad you liked my article @justclickindiva Cheer up!
Yes! Sure! that you can participate, is open to all users in #hive.
To look for examples and guide you, you place in your internet search engine, images of mandalas to print and there you get a variety of images with which you can guide yourself to create yours.

It may be to your advantage to maybe reword your instructions.

Thanks for your response and your time.