What rots your heart is...
Roots of bitterness, selfishness, resentment, lack of forgiveness, jealousy, envy, pride, pride, vanity, anger, arrogance, lying, thirst for revenge and stop telling.
Looking for trouble, mocking others, sexual immorality, adultery, slander.
Disobedience, hatred, inability to do good.
On a physical level the heart is damaged by the above and as by external agents that men and women introduce into the body such as tobacco, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and others.
The worries and anxieties, not knowing you manage emotions and having self-control.
Lo que pudre tu corazón es...
Raíces de amargura, el egoísmo, rencor, la falta de perdón, celos, la envida, soberbia, orgullo, vanidad, ira, prepotencia, la mentira, la sed de venganza y pare de contar.
Buscar problemas, burlarse de otros, la inmoralidad sexual, adulterio, la calumnia.
La desobediencia, la odiosidad, la incapacidad de hacer lo bueno.
A nivel físico el corazón se daña por lo antes mencionado y como por agentes externos que el hombre y la mujer introducen al cuerpo como el tabaco, el alcohol, cigarrillos, drogas y otros.
Los afanes y ansiedades, el no saber manejas las emociones y tener dominio propio.
Matthew 24:12
And because wickedness has multiplied, the love of many will grow cold.
Mateo 24:12
Y por haberse multiplicado la maldad, el amor de muchos se enfriará.
Food for thought... / Para reflexionar...
Proverbs 4:23
Above every thing kept, guard your heart; Because life flows from him.
Proverbios 4:23
Sobre toda cosa guardada, guarda tu corazón; Porque de él mana la vida.
Life flows from your heart.
Take care of relationships and people who do not suit you.
Be careful of the feelings and emotions you may feel because in many opportunities they are deceptive.
Don't let the words, comments, and actions of others contaminate you.
Let us learn to live full of gratitude and humility.
Always have faith and keep hope in your heart.
Smile that life despite difficulties is beautiful.
Strive and be brave.
Life flows from your heart.
Take care of relationships and people who do not suit you.
Be careful of the feelings and emotions you may feel because in many opportunities they are deceptive.
Don't let the words, comments, and actions of others contaminate you.
Let us learn to live full of gratitude and humility.
Always have faith and keep hope in your heart.
Smile that life despite difficulties is beautiful.
Strive and be brave.
De tu corazón mana la vida.
Cuídalo de relaciones y personas que no te convienen.
Ten cuidado de los sentimientos y emociones que puedas sentir porque en muchas oportunidades son engañosas.
No permitas que las palabras, comentarios y acciones de otros te contaminen.
Aprendamos a vivir llenos de gratitud y humildad.
Ten siempre fe y mantén en tu corazón la esperanza.
Sonríe que la vida a pesar de las dificultades es bella.
Esfuérzate y sé valiente.
Gracias por leer este contenido. Hasta la próxima.
Thank you for reading this content. Until next time.
The photographs are my own, taken with my Huawei Smart 2019 POT-LX1 cell phone / Las fotografías son de mi autoría tomadas con mi celular Huawei Smart 2019 POT-LX1
Image editing program: postermywall and Paint / Programa de edición de imágenes: postermywall y Paint.
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