Obstacles are necessary in life [ENG - ESP]

in Holos&Lotus3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are doing well, today I want to talk to you about the obstacles that we face in our day to day, either in a specific project or in any situation of our personal life.

Hola amigos, ¿cómo están?, espero se encuentren muy bien, el día de hoy quiero hablarles acerca de los obstáculos que se nos presentan en nuestro día a día, ya sea en un proyecto en específico o en cualquier situación de nuestra vida personal.


Cover made by me, using Canva tool // Portada hecha por mí, utilizando la herramienta Canva

Many times we believe that something is impossible to achieve because there are many stones in our way, but what we have to be clear about is that those stones make the road more fun, because if we did not have to pass by them or jump over them, we would just walk straight ahead, can you imagine how monotonous and boring life would be that way? Besides, those obstacles often leave us with life-long lessons or even make us change our course towards a better one.

Muchas veces creemos que algo es imposible de alcanzar porque se nos atraviesan muchas piedras en el camino, pero lo que tenemos que tener claro es que esas piedras hacen el camino más divertido, ya que, si no tuviéramos que pasarles por un lado o saltarlas, solo caminaríamos recto, ¿se imaginan lo monótona y aburrida que fuera la vida de esa manera? Además, esos obstáculos muchas veces nos dejan aprendizajes para toda la vida o incluso, nos hacen cambiar de rumbo hacia uno mejor.


Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

It is important to always be open to the opportunities that appear in our lives, those that only come once to make us grow and believe that, if we can do what we did not believe possible, no matter how big the stone we have in the way, the important thing is to have the determination to leave it behind and know that what lies ahead will be worth it.

Es importante siempre estar abierto a las oportunidades que aparecen en nuestras vidas, esas que solo llegan una vez para hacernos crecer y creer en que, si se puede lo que no creímos posible, no importa que tan grande sea la piedra que tengamos en el camino lo importante es tener la determinación para dejarla atrás y saber que lo viene delante valdrá la pena.


Sometimes it is necessary to leave our comfort zone, it is an opportunity to grow and learn new things, the need to adapt to the different situations that we face is what will make us better, I understand that life is constantly changing, and many may not go as we had planned, but we must be prepared for anything, this is what success is all about, overcoming all adversity to fight for everything we want to achieve.

Salir de nuestra zona de confort a veces es necesario, es una oportunidad para crecer y aprender cosas nuevas, la necesidad de adaptarnos a las diversas situaciones que se nos presentan es lo que nos hará mejores, entiendo que la vida está en constantes cambios, y muchas pueden que no salgan como lo teníamos planeado, pero debemos estar preparados para lo que sea, de esto se trata el éxito, sobreponerse a todas las adversidades para luchar por todo aquello que queremos lograr.


Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

We must always have new goals to achieve, because that gives us hope and a reason to fight and evolve day by day, and even if at first we do not like them, let's remember and remember all those stones that we have gone through throughout our lives, realize everything you have managed to overcome and how proud you feel for having done it, because that is what you will feel when you overcome those obstacles that are in your way today, because I am sure you will succeed.

Siempre tenemos que tener metas nuevas que alcanzar, ya que eso nos da esperanza y un motivo para luchar y evolucionar día a día, y aunque en un principio no nos gusten, hagamos memoria y recordemos todas aquellas piedras que hemos atravesado a lo largo de nuestras vidas, date cuenta de todo lo que has logrado superar y lo orgulloso que te sientes de haberlo hecho, pues eso es lo que sentirás cuando superes esas trabas que hoy están en tu camino, porque estoy segura que lo vas a lograr.


Photo by Michael Rosner-Hyman on Unsplash


Thank you very much for reading, I hope you liked it, this was my post today.

Muchas gracias por leer, espero les haya gustado, este fue mi post de hoy.

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Obstacles are what make us stronger and keep us going. The truth of the matter is some people wouldn't have achieved greatness in life if they have not faced obstacles because at a point the obstacles trigger their inner self to keep going even when they want to stop

If so, these obstacles make us bring out the best in us to reach our longed-for goals. Thank you very much for your comment