¿Quiénes después de marcharse de un lugar se sienten aliviados?, con una carga más ligera en su transitar, jurando no regresar de nuevo de donde partieron, pero al cabo del tiempo te das cuenta de que en la realidad que tienes ahora, falta algo un no sé qué, llamado recuerdos te atormenta y te persigue y comienzas a poner en duda, si tomaste la decisión correcta. Para los que han tenido la experiencia de irse de su país natal dejando atrás la familia, el hogar, los amigos, el trabajo; por buscar una oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida y la de los suyos, saben que no es fácil; es una decisión que se toma cuando ya agotas todos tus recursos, siendo lo único que te queda por hacer como última instancia. He sido testigo de la impotencia de amistades y familiares cercanos que se sienten deprimidos por el hecho de estar solo en un país extranjero, empezando desde cero. Y aunque a unos les va bien, y se quedan, a otros les va mal y se devuelven a su país, sintiéndose que han fracasado, cosa que considero está muy lejos de la realidad, si algo es admirable es tener la valentía de dejar todo tu vida atrás, e ir a aventurarse a lo nuevo; siendo más plausible aún tener el coraje de reconocer si algo no está funcionando como se esperaba de devolverse a su hogar, con experiencias ganadas.
Who after leaving a place feels relieved, with a lighter load in their journey, swearing not to return again from where they left, but after a while you realize that in the reality you have now, there is something missing, something I do not know what, called memories haunts you and haunts you and you begin to question whether you made the right decision. For those who have had the experience of leaving their native country, leaving behind family, home, friends, work; in search of an opportunity to improve the quality of life for themselves and their loved ones, know that it is not easy; it is a decision that is made when you have exhausted all your resources, being the only thing you have left to do as a last resort. I have witnessed the helplessness of close friends and family members who feel depressed by the fact of being alone in a foreign country, starting from scratch. And while some do well, and stay, others do poorly and return to their country, feeling that they have failed, which I believe is far from reality, if anything is admirable is to have the courage to leave your life behind, and go to venture into the new; being even more plausible to have the courage to recognize if something is not working as expected to return home, with experiences gained.
Lo peor sería quedarse en una situación o un lugar que no está aportando nada y por orgullo, o el que dirán no rectifiques una decisión; a razón de esto precisamente es que existen cada día matrimonios que por comodidad o rutina siguen compartiendo una casa, o familiares que pasan penumbras en otro país, pero por no dar el brazo a torcer no se devuelven. En mi caso me ha tocado darme un tiempo en una relación, o incluso en mi trabajo, hay veces que te sientes tan abrumado por diferentes situaciones que te hacen alterar tus nervios, que lo mejor es retirarte y dar unos pasos atrás por salud mental, no es conveniente mantenerse en una posición solo por capricho, la salud mental es lo primero. Por lo que considero que si estamos pasando por un periodo de estrés en el plano sentimental, profesional, es válido tomarse un tiempo para estabilizarte y tomar luego la decisión si regresas o no.
The worst thing would be to stay in a situation or a place that is not contributing anything and for pride, or what people will say do not rectify a decision; precisely because of this is that every day there are marriages that for convenience or routine continue to share a house, or family members who spend time in another country, but not to give the arm to twist do not return. In my case I have had to give myself some time in a relationship, or even in my work, there are times when you feel so overwhelmed by different situations that make you alter your nerves, it is best to withdraw and take a few steps back for mental health, it is not convenient to stay in a position just on a whim, mental health comes first. So I think that if we are going through a period of stress in the sentimental, professional, it is valid to take some time to stabilize yourself and then make the decision whether to return or not.
At one point in my life a position I held was so complicated that I had to take a mandatory break, the stress of so much responsibility was affecting my health and as expected my body began to get sick, I went for a medical checkup and I had all the high values, even blood pressure problems that I had never suffered, At that time my doctor advised me to rest and disconnect from everything that was work and so I did, 1 month of rest helped me a lot to recover my health and I realized that it was time to resign from that position and return to my old functions, since my personal welfare was more important than a position; we are not machines without feelings, we are here in this world feeling and experiencing different situations that will affect us positively or negatively and the way we receive them is that it will affect us personally, no doubt every experience will leave us a lesson and definitely if we return to a place is because we miss that life, we recognize the importance it has and we will value it more because we know how it feels not to have that, I love to talk about this topic proposed by the friend @rosahidalgo and I invite to participate to the friends @marigerp88 and @syllem. Remembering that everyone is free to choose what is best for themselves. Until a new opportunity.
Dispositivo/ Device | Edición/ Edition | Traducción /Translation |
Xiaomi Redmi 7A | Canva | DeepL |
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