The therapeutic power of the rosemary plant lies in its leaves, where the active principles that give it its therapeutic power are concentrated. They can be used fresh or dried. The fresh leaves are used as a spice in various gastronomic dishes around the world. In my case, I use the fresh leaves as a spice in casseroles and vegetable stews. I also use it in the preparation of spiced rice which has a genuine nutritional value. Rosemary leaves are high in vitamins, flavonoids, minerals and polyphenols. The leaves can be eaten fresh or dried and require cooking.
El romero contiene una gran cantidad de principios activos en sus hojas. Entre los compuestos químicos en su composición se han identificado: flavonoides, polifenoles, terpenos y minerales. Entre los terpenos se han podido identificar: carnosol, ácido oleanólico, isorosmanol, rosmadial, picrosalvina, rosmariquinona. Entre los flavonoides que se han encontrado están: hesperidina, cirsimarina, fegopolina, diosmina, homoplantiginina, nepetina y nepitrina. Los polifenoles son los responsables de sus efecto antioxidante. Se han identificado el ácido clorogénico y el ácido rosmarínico. El mineral de mayor contenido en las hojas es el hierro lo que le da la posibilidad de ser usado en situaciones de debilidad, agotamiento e incluso anemia.
Rosemary contains a large number of active ingredients in its leaves. Among the chemical compounds in its composition, the following have been identified: flavonoids, polyphenols, terpenes and minerals. Among the terpenes, the following have been identified: carnosol, oleanolic acid, isorosmanol, rosmadial, picrosalvin, rosmariquinone. Among the flavonoids found are: hesperidin, cirsimarin, fegopolin, diosmin, homoplantiginin, nepetin and nepitrin. Polyphenols are responsible for its antioxidant effect. Chlorogenic acid and rosmarinic acid have been identified. The mineral with the highest content in the leaves is iron, which makes it suitable for use in situations of weakness, exhaustion and even anaemia.
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Bondades del Romero para la Salud Humana
Rosemary Human Health Benefits
El consumo habitual de las hojas frescas o secas aumenta nuestra capacidad inmune porque el romero tiene propiedades antioxidantes, antisépticas, fungicida, antibacteriana, coleréticas y hepatoprotectoras. Estimula la producción de jugos gastrointestinales y activa el sistema digestivo. Favorece el crecimiento del cabello porque puede dilatar los vasos sanguíneos, permitiendo que los folículos pilosos se irriguen, favoreciendo la circulación en el cuero cabelludo. La presencia de antioxidantes activa la vitalidad de la piel y tiene efecto antiedad. El aceite esencial de romero se utiliza como ingrediente activo de productos de uso dermatológico como pomadas, cremas y tónicos debido a sus bondades. Además actúa como un excelente cicatrizante cuando se cuecen sus hojas frescas y luego son utilizadas a nivel tópico. Por la presencia de terpenos y flavonoides es un excelente protector del sistema hepático.
Regular consumption of fresh or dried leaves increases our immune capacity because rosemary has antioxidant, antiseptic, fungicidal, antibacterial, choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. It stimulates the production of gastrointestinal juices and activates the digestive system. It promotes hair growth because it can dilate the blood vessels, allowing the hair follicles to become irrigated, promoting circulation to the scalp. The presence of antioxidants activates the vitality of the skin and has an anti-ageing effect. Rosemary essential oil is used as an active ingredient in dermatological products such as ointments, creams and tonics due to its properties. It also acts as an excellent healing agent when the fresh leaves are cooked and then used topically. Due to the presence of terpenes and flavonoids, it is an excellent protector of the hepatic system.
Por la diversidad de compuestos bioquímicos y la versatilidad del uso de sus hojas e incluso del aceite esencial el romero puede estar en nuestras casas como planta medicinal, como especia o como aromatizante.
Due to the diversity of biochemical compounds and the versatility of the use of its leaves and even the essential oil, rosemary can be found in our homes as a medicinal plant, as a spice or as a flavouring.
La Magia en la imagen de portada
Magic in cover image
Es una imagen creada por mí en Power Point. La fotografía es de mi propiedad. De hecho, es una de las ramas de la planta de romero que fue fotografiada cuando fui a utilizar sus hojas frescas para prepararme una infusión.
It is an image created by me in Power Point. The photograph is my own. In fact, it is one of the branches of the rosemary plant that was photographed when I went to use its fresh leaves to prepare an infusion.
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Interesting post; I wasn't aware of all of the rosemary's healthy properties...
I do like the idea of having it serve as an air purifier. And then, use it as a spice!
That's natural and sustainable.
Yes, in addition to being an extraordinary ally in aromatherapy, it is a powerful hepatoprotector and an excellent vitalizing agent for our skin.
Greetings @braveboat