¡Saludos! encontré la publicación que hizo mi mamá @yole para la Iniciativa: Como cultivo la amabilidad y me pareció una oportunidad para expresar mis opiniones con respecto al tema. Invito a @tere.alv y @drhueso
La amabilidad es la actitud que se tiene hacia las cosas que nos rodean como personas, animales, naturaleza, esto nos facilita las relaciones con la familia, amigos y compañeros de trabajo. El hogar es la primera institución donde se cultivan los valores, entre ellos la amabilidad, el amor, la honestidad y la bondad. La formación de valores desde la niñez les permitirán desenvolverse positivamente en diferente ambientes, un niño o un joven con valores será un ser seguro y valioso para la sociedad.
Kindness is the attitude we have towards the things that surround us such as people, animals, nature, this facilitates our relationships with family, friends and co-workers. The home is the first institution where values are cultivated, including kindness, love, honesty and goodness. The formation of values from childhood will allow them to develop positively in different environments, a child or a young person with values will be a safe and valuable being for society.
A diario en mi lugar de trabajo practico la amabilidad desde la hora de llegada dando los buenos días a mis compañeros de trabajo, luego a mis estudiantes ya que el ser amable y crear un vínculo armonioso nos permitirá terminar con éxito la jornada educativa. Cabe descartar que a diario como docente debemos cultivar la amabilidad entre los niños, una sonrisa o un gesto pueden cambiar la manera como te vean tus estudiantes. Atender cada una de sus inquietudes, sugerencias y comentarios a veces resulta difícil pero debes hacerlo para crear el ambiente de armonía que toda aula de clase debe tener.
Every day in my workplace I practice kindness from the time of arrival saying good morning to my co-workers, then to my students, since being kind and creating a harmonious bond will allow us to successfully finish the educational day. It should be ruled out that as a teacher we must cultivate kindness among children on a daily basis, a smile or a gesture can change the way your students see you. Addressing each of their concerns, suggestions and comments is sometimes difficult, but you must do it to create the atmosphere of harmony that every classroom should have.
La amabilidad está muy relacionado con el estado de ánimo de la persona, una persona que esté de mal humor tiende a no poner en práctica la amabilidad. En ocasiones con el simple hecho de brindar una sonrisa al prójimo demuestras una actitud de afecto y amabilidad.
Kindness is closely related to the person's mood, a person who is in a bad mood tends not to put kindness into practice. Sometimes with the simple fact of offering a smile to others, you show an attitude of affection and kindness.
Ser amable cambiará tu vida y el entorno donde te desenvuelves. Y si por el contrario no eres amable sentirás que el ambiente es hostil, estará lleno de malas energías y no podrás realizar una buena jornada laboral.
Being kind will change your life and the environment where you live. And if, on the contrary, you are not friendly, you will feel that the environment is hostile, it will be full of bad energies and you will not be able to carry out a good working day.
Creo que no existe una fórmula mágica para hacer que las personas sean amables, sin embargo predicar con el ejemplo es lo que mejor funciona, no se puede pedir amabilidad si nosotros no la practicamos, las personas crecen y de desarrollan creando patrones de conducta aprendidos, los niños hacen lo que ven y al mismo tiempo cuando crecen pueden desaprender porque la mayoría tenemos la capacidad de discernir lo que está bien y está mal, incluso las malas actitudes se pueden dejar de lado y comenzar a tener una postura más amable con las personas y con nosotros mismos.
I believe that there is no magic formula to make people kind, however, leading by example is what works best, you cannot ask for kindness if you do not practice it, people grow and develop by creating learned behavior patterns, children do what they see and at the same time when they grow up they can unlearn because most of us have the ability to discern what is right and what is wrong, even bad attitudes can be put aside and begin to have a more friendly posture with people and with ourselves.
En toda mi vida me han sorprendido los gestos pocos amables de muchas personas, pero al mismo tiempo he vivido experiencias maravillosas que me han mostrado el lado de amable de la gente, en mi trabajo sobre todo he visto como mis colegas son amables siempre los unos con los otros, al mismo tiempo he tenido representantes de niños a los que he dado clases que han sido muy amables.
Throughout my life I have been surprised by the unkind gestures of many people, but at the same time I have lived wonderful experiences that have shown me the kind side of people, in my work above all I have seen how my colleagues are always kind to each other with the others, at the same time I have had representatives of children to whom I have given classes who have been very kind.
En la época en que aún yo no tenía el cargo del ministerio de educación, muchos padres al saber que yo acudía a dar clases sin aparecer en nómina y sin cobrar, me trataban con mucha amabilidad y en medio de la crisis me llevaban cualquier ayuda para el salón de clases, incluso productos comestibles para mi, cuando en mi país era demasiado difícil tener dinero en efectivo porque los bancos no daban, había una representante de un niño que me enviaba efectivo para el pasaje en autobús, ella sabía que a veces yo no encontraba billetes para el pasaje, hasta ese punto me ha sorprendido la amabilidad de las personas, agradezco mucho a todos los representantes que siempre han estado al pendiente de mi, me tratan con amabilidad y respeto y sobre todo porque hacen parte importante de la comunidad educativa.
At the time when I was not yet in charge of the Ministry of Education, many parents, knowing that I went to teach without appearing on the payroll and without being paid, treated me with great kindness and in the midst of the crisis they brought me any help to the classroom, even groceries for me, when in my country it was too difficult to have cash because the banks did not give, there was a representative of a child who sent me cash for the bus ticket, she knew that sometimes I I could not find tickets for the ticket, up to that point I was surprised by the kindness of the people, I am very grateful to all the representatives who have always been attentive to me, they treat me with kindness and respect and above all because they are an important part of the community educational.
Muchas gracias por leer
Thank you so much for reading
Excelente post, este es un tema muy interesante, gracias por la invitación.
Un gran abrazo
Muchas gracias tío, igualmente!
This is so true. At one job I had it started off so nice, I thought it was going to be the job I stayed at until retirement age. I liked what I was doing, I felt appreciated by my bosses, it was a nice environment. But then the nice boss got fired, a bunch of other staff had their hours cut, and suddenly what was a nice place to work became super angry and mean and toxic. The new boss wasn't really our boss but she was the boss of another department and they just made her our boss too and she didn't ever spend time in our department but she thought she knew better than people who had worked there for years anyway. Everyone was so upset, they came in at the start of their day already angry because they expected the day to go badly. Eventually I was fired too, and I felt relieved to no longer work there. That's how bad it was.
It just was such a clear example of how a place can be either kind and happy and productive, or hostile and angry and mean, and all it takes is a few minor shifts that changes everything. I hope that eventually it shifted to be better again, but I don't know obviously since I am no longer there. The saddest part is that it was in healthcare, so the patients used to have a positive place to go during scary treatments and then they had a negative place to go. :(
I am very sorry to hear what happened to you in your previous job, I think that treating people kindly improves anyone's day, sometimes people have bad days but no one should be blamed for that, don't be kind, it means putting people in a bad mood they don't deserve it. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and comment on your experience. Have a nice day
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De nada @mayoly1 😊🌹
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wow sí, es verdad. Qué bonito es encontrarse con esas personas que con solo un gesto pueden influir mucho en el día de la persona, como puede ser una sonrisa, un comentario amable, etc. gracias @mayoly1 por compartir esto!!
Muchas gracias 😊 la amabilidad puede cambiar el día de cualquier persona