Presente en este concurso de Films que inspiran.
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Invito a @ilsepalma1616 @rakel1406
Viviendo el Presente, saludos a todos
Los Milagros Del Cielo está basada en la increíble historia real de la familia Beam. Cuando Christy (Jennifer Garner) descubre que su hija de diez años, Anna (Kylie Rogers) tiene una enfermedad rara e incurable, comienza su lucha para que su hija se cure. Después de que Anna tenga un extraño accidente, un extraordinario milagro ocurre durante su rescate.
Esta historia como se refleja en el párrafo anterior nos conduce a lo que vive una bella familia con tres niñas, muy lindas y graciosas, una de ellas presenta una enfermedad, en un principio el diagnóstico era intolerancia a la lactosa, pero el corazón de madre sabía que había algo más.
En su búsqueda para mejorar la salud de la niña bajaron los recursos económicos de la familia drásticamente, ellos visitaban la iglesia eran creyentes. En ese buscar soluciones consigue un médico en otra ciudad, tener una cita era imprescindible para la atención.
No había citas cercas y fue atendida sin tener cita. Así ocurrieron muchas cosas durante la atención y proceso de evaluaciones médicas de la niña.
Después de tanto, fue enviada al hogar y la madre estaba encargada de su atención, se crearon discusiones en las hermanas que luego el amor de familia lo superó.
Unos de esos días las niñas jugaban en el jardín y subieron a un árbol, en ese árbol la niña resbaló y cayó por un hueco que había en el, los pensamientos en ese momento eran fatales, los bomberos pasaron muchas hora para hacer el fin se logró...fue ingresada al hospital.
Sucedió que cuando el médico que la atendió salió sorprendido que la niña no tuvo aporreos, huesos rotos de los cual todos sorprendidos dijeron que era un milagro. Fue dada de alta. En casa la madre no dejaba de observarla, estaba sonriente, la veía bien, hasta que un día ayudándola a vestir se dio cuenta que su vientre ya no estaba inflamado, allí la niña le dice que una voz le dijo que cuando cayó en el centro del árbol que todo iba a estar bien. La madre no lo podía creer.
Llevó a la niña con el medico tratante, sorprendido le dice está sana y el médico le dice que eso que ocurrió es un milagro y que la Fe es auténtica.
Con esta película se reflejó eso que cuando queremos conseguir algo o lograr un objetivo Dios nos pone ángeles en todos los sitios que de una u otra forma nos abren las puertas, esto lo reconoció la madre de la niña porque a pesar de que asistían a la iglesia ella no era tan creyente como su esposo.
Allí mi visión de atender las señales que a diario encontramos es Dios que está actuando, cuando vi esta película además que lloré mucho, me percaté que viví algo así; no de salud pero si de un proceso laboral que requería...en ese momento llegué al sitio, no me podían atender; bajé y me iba a retirar, una voz me dijo llama...hice una llamada...esa persona que llamé se comunicó con la persona de la oficina que podía senté a esperar cuando menos lo esperaba sale la chica y me dice qué es lo que quiero, le expliqué mi caso...como por arte de magia la chica me hizo pasar a la oficina para sorpresa del vigilante que no dejaba pasar a nadie.
Después que pasé, me llevó con la persona indicada...muy amablemente me buscó en sistema, recuerdo que dijo está sencillo, solo limpio aquí y ya, ni siquiera me pidió los papeles que supuestamente debía entregar...salí de allí en las nubes...a los 10 días mi solicitud ya estaba procesada y yo con mi nuevo estatus profesional (este proceso era un poco engorroso y tardaba muchos meses en concretarse)de paso este proceso fue en Caracas.
Cuando escuchaba el discurso de Christy en la iglesia, de esa fuerza que existe, que no vemos pero nos hace felices, todos los que intervienen para conseguir las cosas y pensamos que estamos solos y no es así hago más consciente de las personas que atienden los negocios, oficinas de trámites que explican con amabilidad y te orientan y se debe agradecer y tener Fe...que si existe, aprendemos a confiar, se produce un cambio interno indescriptible.
Esa fue mi experiencia con este Films que me inspiró a ser más amable con otras personas que están para servirnos. Aumentar mi Fe. Defenderla.
Baners Fuente
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Image by the author. Edited in Canva. February, 2022
Enter the Films that Inspire competition.
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I invite @ilsepalma1616 @rakel1406
Living the Present, greetings to all
Los Milagros Del Cielo is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers that her ten-year-old daughter, Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare and incurable disease, she begins her fight for her daughter to be cured. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle occurs during her rescue.
This story as reflected in the previous paragraph leads us to the life of a beautiful family with three girls, very cute and funny, one of them has a disease, at first the diagnosis was lactose intolerance, but the mother's heart knew there was more to it.
In her search to improve the girl's health, the family's financial resources dropped drastically, they visited church and were believers. In her search for solutions, she found a doctor in another city, an appointment was essential for care.
There were no appointments nearby and she was seen without an appointment. So many things happened during the care and medical evaluation process of the girl.
After so much, she was sent home and the mother was in charge of her care, it created arguments between the sisters that later the love of the family overcame.
One of those days the girls were playing in the garden and climbed a tree, in that tree the girl slipped and fell through a hole that was in it, the thoughts at that moment were fatal, the firemen spent many hours to make the rescue...finally it was achieved...she was admitted to the hospital.
It happened that when the doctor who attended her was surprised to see that the girl had not had any cramps or broken bones, everyone was surprised and said that it was a miracle. She was discharged. At home the mother kept watching her, she was smiling, she looked well, until one day helping her to get dressed she noticed that her belly was no longer swollen, there the girl told her that a voice told her when she fell in the middle of the tree that everything was going to be fine. The mother could not believe it.
She took the girl to the doctor, surprised she told him that she was healthy and the doctor told her that what had happened was a miracle and that faith was authentic.
This film reflected the fact that when we want to achieve something or reach a goal, God puts angels in every place that in one way or another open doors for us, this was recognised by the girl's mother because although they attended church, she was not a believer.
When I saw this film I also cried a lot, I realised that I lived through something like this; not in terms of health but in terms of a work process that that moment I arrived at the site, they couldn't attend to me; I went downstairs and I was going to leave, a voice told me to call. ...I made a call...the person I called got through to the person in the office who could hear me...I sat down to wait, when I least expected it, the girl came out and told me what I wanted, I explained my if by magic the girl made me go into the office to the surprise of the security guard who would not let anyone in.
After I passed, she took me to the right person...she very kindly looked me up in the system, I remember she said it's simple, just clean here and that's it, she didn't even ask me for the papers I was supposed to hand in...I left there on cloud nine...after 10 days my application was processed and my new professional status (this process was a bit cumbersome and took many months to be completed) and by the way this process was in Caracas.
When I listened to Christy's speech in church, of that force that exists, that we do not see but makes us happy, all those who intervene to get things and we think we are alone and it is not so ... I become more aware of the people who attend the businesses, offices of procedures that explain with kindness and guide you and you must be grateful and have faith ... that if it exists, we learn to trust, there is an indescribable internal change.
That was my experience with this film that inspired me to be kinder to other people who are there to serve us. To increase my Faith. To stand up for it.
Baners Fuente
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@sound1music and @mayvileros
@sound1music y @mayvileros
Baners Fuente
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Enter the Films that Inspire competition.
To participate
I leave here the instructions to follow.
I invite @ilsepalma1616 @rakel1406
Living the Present, greetings to all
. Los Milagros Del Cielo is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers that her ten-year-old daughter, Anna (Kylie Rogers) has a rare and incurable disease, she begins her fight for her daughter to be cured. After Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle occurs during her rescue.
This story as reflected in the previous paragraph leads us to the life of a beautiful family with three girls, very cute and funny, one of them has a disease, at first the diagnosis was lactose intolerance, but the mother's heart knew there was more to it.
In her search to improve the girl's health, the family's financial resources dropped drastically, they visited church and were believers. In her search for solutions, she found a doctor in another city, an appointment was essential for care.
There were no appointments nearby and she was seen without an appointment. So many things happened during the care and medical evaluation process of the girl.
After so much, she was sent home and the mother was in charge of her care, it created arguments between the sisters that later the love of the family overcame.
One of those days the girls were playing in the garden and climbed a tree, in that tree the girl slipped and fell through a hole that was in it, the thoughts at that moment were fatal, the firemen spent many hours to make the rescue...finally it was achieved...she was admitted to the hospital.
It happened that when the doctor who attended her was surprised to see that the girl had not had any cramps or broken bones, everyone was surprised and said that it was a miracle. She was discharged. At home the mother kept watching her, she was smiling, she looked well, until one day helping her to get dressed she noticed that her belly was no longer swollen, there the girl told her that a voice told her when she fell in the middle of the tree that everything was going to be fine. The mother could not believe it.
She took the girl to the doctor, surprised she told him that she was healthy and the doctor told her that what had happened was a miracle and that faith was authentic.
This film reflected the fact that when we want to achieve something or reach a goal, God puts angels in every place that in one way or another open doors for us, this was recognised by the girl's mother because although they attended church, she was not a believer.
When I saw this film I also cried a lot, I realised that I lived through something like this; not in terms of health but in terms of a work process that that moment I arrived at the site, they couldn't attend to me; I went downstairs and I was going to leave, a voice told me to call. ...I made a call...the person I called got through to the person in the office who could hear me...I sat down to wait, when I least expected it, the girl came out and told me what I wanted, I explained my if by magic the girl made me go into the office to the surprise of the security guard who would not let anyone in.
After I passed, she took me to the right person...she very kindly looked me up in the system, I remember she said it's simple, just clean here and that's it, she didn't even ask me for the papers I was supposed to hand in...I left there on cloud nine...after 10 days my application was processed and my new professional status (this process was a bit cumbersome and took many months to be completed) and by the way this process was in Caracas.
When I listened to Christy's speech in church, of that force that exists, that we do not see but makes us happy, all those who intervene to get things and we think we are alone and it is not so ... I become more aware of the people who attend the businesses, offices of procedures that explain with kindness and guide you and you must be grateful and have faith ... that if it exists, we learn to trust, there is an indescribable internal change.
That was my experience with this film that inspired me to be kinder to other people who are there to serve us. To increase my Faith. To stand up for it.
Baners Fuente
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@sound1music and @mayvileros
This story as reflected in the previous paragraph leads us to the life of a beautiful family with three girls, very cute and funny, one of them has a disease, at first the diagnosis was lactose intolerance, but the mother's heart knew there was more to it.
In her search to improve the girl's health, the family's financial resources dropped drastically, they visited church and were believers. In her search for solutions, she found a doctor in another city, an appointment was essential for care.
There were no appointments nearby and she was seen without an appointment. So many things happened during the care and medical evaluation process of the girl.
After so much, she was sent home and the mother was in charge of her care, it created arguments between the sisters that later the love of the family overcame.
One of those days the girls were playing in the garden and climbed a tree, in that tree the girl slipped and fell through a hole that was in it, the thoughts at that moment were fatal, the firemen spent many hours to make the rescue...finally it was achieved...she was admitted to the hospital.
It happened that when the doctor who attended her was surprised to see that the girl had not had any cramps or broken bones, everyone was surprised and said that it was a miracle. She was discharged. At home the mother kept watching her, she was smiling, she looked well, until one day helping her to get dressed she noticed that her belly was no longer swollen, there the girl told her that a voice told her when she fell in the middle of the tree that everything was going to be fine. The mother could not believe it.
She took the girl to the doctor, surprised she told him that she was healthy and the doctor told her that what had happened was a miracle and that faith was authentic.
This film reflected the fact that when we want to achieve something or reach a goal, God puts angels in every place that in one way or another open doors for us, this was recognised by the girl's mother because although they attended church, she was not a believer.
When I saw this film I also cried a lot, I realised that I lived through something like this; not in terms of health but in terms of a work process that that moment I arrived at the site, they couldn't attend to me; I went downstairs and I was going to leave, a voice told me to call. ...I made a call...the person I called got through to the person in the office who could hear me...I sat down to wait, when I least expected it, the girl came out and told me what I wanted, I explained my if by magic the girl made me go into the office to the surprise of the security guard who would not let anyone in.
After I passed, she took me to the right person...she very kindly looked me up in the system, I remember she said it's simple, just clean here and that's it, she didn't even ask me for the papers I was supposed to hand in...I left there on cloud nine...after 10 days my application was processed and my new professional status (this process was a bit cumbersome and took many months to be completed) and by the way this process was in Caracas.
When I listened to Christy's speech in church, of that force that exists, that we do not see but makes us happy, all those who intervene to get things and we think we are alone and it is not so ... I become more aware of the people who attend the businesses, offices of procedures that explain with kindness and guide you and you must be grateful and have faith ... that if it exists, we learn to trust, there is an indescribable internal change.
That was my experience with this film that inspired me to be kinder to other people who are there to serve us. To increase my Faith. To stand up for it.
Baners Fuente
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Baners Fuente
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@sound1music and @mayvileros
La película que presentas es maravillosa, casualmente recién la vi en NETFLIX y llama poderosamente la atención sobre la fe y el poder que tiene cuando la accionamos con intensidad.
Soy hombre de fe y coincido contigo que debemos estar pendiente con esos mensajes que el todopoderoso nos envía con circunstancias, palabras, gestos de otros e incluso eso que a veces llamamos presentimientos.
Excelente tu participación amiga, no se podía esperar menos de ti.
Te felicito y le pido al universo que te bendiga enormemente junto a tu familia.Hola Mercedes (@mercmarg).
Gracias amigo @germandradeg, que tú salud esté 100% activa.
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Excelente película, también me gustó mucho. Una demostración que cuando tienes fe, todo lo puedes lograr. Dios siempre nos manda ángeles en el camino para que cumplamos nuestros objetivos. Somos creadores de milagros, solo tienes que creer en tí y tu conexión con la fuente. Excelente elección. Buen post.🙏✨😍
Gracias @care1869, si recuerdo que la vi la primera vez pero sin ponerle mucha atención, luego la volví a encontrar y aquí si me llegó donde tenía que llegar.
Muy bonita esa película la ví el año pasado en Netflix y me encantó. Excelente la elección que hiciste. Gracias por compartirla.
La fe mueve montañas. Los milagros existen. Eso es indudable. Feliz tarde.
AbrazosGracias @creacioneslelys
Se nota que es una hermosa pelicula, y damucho valor a la familia y sobre todo la fe, excelente elección!
No he tenido la ocasion de ver la pelicula pero por lo que relatas es muy hermosa y transmite un buen mensaje e inspirador.
Si, muy inspirador...todo lo que ocurre en ella nos lleva a reflexionar en cuanto a la Fe, a las personas que encontramos en nuestro camino y otras.
Gracias, abrazos
Si es demasiado hermosa, y si le prestas la debida atención encontramos varios elementos muy interesantes.
Gracias , saludos
Discord. Si desea delegar HP al proyecto: Delegue 5 HP - Delegue 10 HP - Delegue 20 HP - Delegue 30 HP - Delegue 50 HP - Delegue 100 HP.Estas recibiendo un voto por parte del proyecto "Sound Music" (@music1sound) y este post fue seleccionado para el reporte de curación diaria. Contáctenos para saber más del proyecto a nuestro servidor de
Saludos Mercedes, soy cinéfilo y creo que las películas son una gran fuente de aprendizajes y vivencias. Aquí entre nos, cuando las películas me llegan hondo tengo que buscar un argán para sacar el agua. Jejeje
Los milagros existen pero son experiencias muy personales, en mi caso creo que el orégano orejón es milagroso y curativo, lo he experimentado. En el caso de la película la naturaleza que es la manifestación de Dios pienso que intervino en su curación. El poder del Dios invisible y trascendente es emocional hace poco que descubrí eso. No soy ortodoxo tengo mis propias convicciones pero no niego a Dios. Un abrazo virtual.
Conozco el oregano orejón y si tiene sus cualidades.
Cuando dices que el poder de Dios es invisible y trascendente es emocional desde mi experiencia cuando descubrimos que todo esta dentro de nosotros es cuando entendemos que Dios esta allí y no fuera de nosotros como nos entrenaron desde chicos, grandes cambios ocurren.
Definitivamente Jennifer Gardner es una excelente actriz. Es una de mis favoritas, pero esta película no he tenido oportunidad de verla. Voy a buscarla en Netflix porque con tu sinopsis, me haces querer verla. Gracias de verdad.
Con respecto a lo que dices, si, es cierto que hay ángeles por ahí esperando poder ayudarnos. Varias veces me he topado con alguno a lo largo de mi recorrido por la vida. Mil gracias por contarnos tu experiencia y te deseo la mayor de las suertes en el concurso!
Si y a veces porque no nos hemos quitado la venda de los ojos los dejamos pasar o no aceptamos la ayuda.
Oh! Que hermoso..No he oportunidad de verlo. Pero por la descripción debe ser hermoso..
Comparto tu idea de que podemos dejar los problemas en manos de ese Ser o energía superior que no vemos pero sabemos que puede lograr un milagro..Confiar nos dará esa certeza de que si es posible.
Que impresionante esa voz que escuchaste y que Gracias a Dios hiciste lo que Universo de indico..Una demostración para aumentar tu Fe.
Muy hermoso tu relato..gracias por llenarme de Esperanzas 🤗.
Gracias @graciadegenios, así es y cuantas veces ignoramos esa vocecita.
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Sensacional y muy emotiva película, mediante la cual se ve clara y contundentemente que si tenemos fé todo lo podemos lograr.
Así es amiga, saludos
Hola amiga, gracias por tu aporte. Tener fe, temor en Dios es el principio de la sabiduría... gracias Dios te bendiga 🤗
Gracias a ti, saludos
No he visto la película @mercmarg pero el mensaje es aleccionador.
A ti, te hizo cambiar la actitud con el simple hecho de ver y reconocer ese pequeño milagro que te hizo. De no ocurrir a lo mejor tardaría meses en solucionarse en la administración pública.
Lo importante es la Fe y estar viviendo el momento para saber reconocer esos milagros que de otra manera pasarían desapercibidos...
Feliz día!!
#soy comentador enhive
Así es @katleya, gracias por visitarme, tenía meses sin saber de ti.
También me gustó esta película, esa madre abnegada hace todo lo posible por recuperar la salud de su hija. Los milagros sí existen, solo debes confiar en el gran poder de Dios y aferrarte a la fe. Fue un placer leerte. Saludos, amiga.
Gracias @ramisey, abrazos para ti
Son películas que impactan, remueven, conmueven y sales fortalecido en fe, esperanza y queriendo dar más al otro. Gracias por compartir @mercmarg 😊
Gracias @damarysvibra por tus palabras.
Hola @mercmarg , me encanto tú elección. Aún no la he visto. Si, los milagros existen y están allí a nuestro ladito, a veces ni nos damos cuenta. (recientemente hice un post sobre ese tema). Lo importante es tener Fe y esperanza de que el Universo está obrando a nuestro favor, Cosechamos lo que sembramos, si hacemos el bien seguro tendremos recompensas y ese milagro es uno de ellos. Voy a buscar para verla. Cuando abrimos los ojos cada mañana, ya eso es un milagro de vida, cuando sonreimos.
Si, así es @dorytagil2022 gracias. Recomendada 100%, Cuando logro encontrarla no la dejo pasar.