Excelente día para todos.
Como bien es sabido el 07 de abril es el día elegido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como un día especial para hacer un alto y crear conciencia hacia la importancia de la salud para el ser humano.
Como bien lo menciona la invitación a este concurso el lema de la OMS de este año es: Nuestro Planeta, Nuestra Salud, dada las experiencias que todos en el planeta hemos vivido con el tema de la pandemia, sus causas, consecuencias, todo lo que repercute en el organismo hacer sido afectado por el virus del Covid-19.
Hablar de salud personal es importante porque crea esa conciencia a mirarnos a nosotros, dejar de mirar a otros cómo se sienten y volver la mirada hacia sí mismo...cómo me siento, qué me pasa, hacernos una serie de preguntas que hacemos a otros...responderlas y accionar en ello que se descubra.
Hace unos años por una situación en el cuero cabelludo acudí a varios dermatólogos con la intención de sanar esa parte de mi cuerpo...ya ese tiempo tenía conocimientos que la salud física está muy ligada a las emociones y pensamientos...a pesar de ello aún no comprendía como era era eso , me costaba entenderlo, aún no lo asimilaba...siempre hago referencia que cuando somos tan intelectuales nos cuesta asimilar hacer cambios de pensamientos o entender esa relación para que exista una buena salud.
En la búsqueda de mejorar, recuerdo que un dermatólogo me envió a realizar una serie de exámenes que tenían que ver con enfermedades como lupus y otras...la chica del laboratorio me mira y me pregunta: ¿Por qué le mandan hacer estas pruebas? le respondo según el doctor para descartar...no me sentía conforme con este médico porque me colocó un medicamento sin saber si era necesario...sentí que experimentaba conmigo.
En esa búsqueda, llegué por recomendación de un compañero de trabajo a visitar a su tío Doctor en Ginecología pero dedicado por completo a la Homeopatía, sus estudios en esta área le tomó mucho tiempo, me decidí...pregunté por sus consultas y tomé una cita.
La primera consulta más de tres horas, en realidad no entendía como por medio de conversar y conversar el doctor iba estudiando al paciente... igual explica lo que significa homeopatía y su diferencia con la medicina tradicional, para luego preguntar si de verdad está interesado en asumir el uso de estos medicamentos.
Acepté, porque en su charla comenta que se puede tomar medicamentos tradicionales si así en algún caso lo decido...al principio dije voy a hacerlo y seguir las instrucciones dadas, con disciplina, constancia y fe.
Al iniciar el tratamiento recuerdo que era varios frascos con diferentes, nombres cada hora colocar una cantidad de gotas debajo de la lengua...al principio era un poco tedioso pero el explica que luego se va retirando, las horas...este inicio es para que el organismo se vaya acoplando...así lo hice...hoy después de casi 9 años solo uso un solo frasco y lo tomo cada 14 días.
Resultados muy favorables, la angustia que sentía fue desapareciendo, hubo cambios en como mirar la vida, soltar muchas cosas que emocionalmente estaban allí y se iban acumulando. Ya con más confianza con el doctor le pregunto : pero cómo usted sabe o se da cuenta de la salud de la persona lo que atraviesa solo con una gotita de sangre...me mira y me sonríe: es el campo de energía que transmite el paciente cuando llega ya me da una orientación...
Allí entendí un poco más sobre la energía de nuestro cuerpo y la relación que tiene con los pensamientos, las consecuencias de pensamientos negativos y su influencia en nuestra salud física.
La homeopatía como medicina alternativa, considero una herramienta de mucha utilidad porque trata al paciente de manera holística, la practica de esta es decisión de cada quien y de acuerdo a su disciplina en su uso se verán los resultados en una salud deseada...siempre estar atento a las emociones y pensamientos que están muy relacionadas con la parte física.
Gif @alarcon22.arte
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Excellent day for everyone.
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aquí los detalles
Invito a @brujita18 @solystilo
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Excellent day for everyone.
As is well known, April 7th is the day chosen by the World Health Organization as a special day to take a break and raise awareness of the importance of human health.
As mentioned in the invitation to this competition, the WHO's motto this year is: Our Planet, Our Health, given the experiences that everyone on the planet has had with the pandemic, its causes, consequences, and everything that affects the organism that has been affected by the Covid-19 virus.
Talking about personal health is important because it creates this awareness to look at ourselves, to stop looking at how others feel and to look at ourselves...how I feel, what is wrong with me, to ask ourselves a series of questions that we ask others...to answer them and to act on what we discover.
A few years ago, due to a situation on my scalp, I went to several dermatologists with the intention of healing that part of my body...at that time I already knew that physical health is closely linked to emotions and thoughts...in spite of this, I still did not understand what it was like, it was difficult to understand, I still did not assimilate it...I always make reference that when we are so intellectual it is difficult to assimilate making changes in our thoughts or understanding this relationship so that good health can exist.
In the search for improvement, I remember that a dermatologist sent me for a series of tests that had to do with diseases such as lupus and others...the girl in the laboratory looked at me and asked me: Why are they sending you for these tests? I answered her according to the doctor to rule out...I did not feel satisfied with this doctor because he gave me a medicine without knowing if it was necessary...I felt that he was experimenting on me.
In this search, I arrived on the recommendation of a work colleague to visit his uncle, a Doctor of Gynaecology but dedicated entirely to Homeopathy, his studies in this area took him a long time, I decided...I asked about his consultations and made an appointment.
The first consultation lasted more than three hours, I didn't really understand how the doctor was studying the patient by talking and talking... he still explained what homeopathy means and its difference with traditional medicine, and then he asked if I was really interested in taking on the use of these medicines.
I accepted, because in his talk he said that I could take traditional medicines if I decided to do so... at the beginning I said I was going to do it and follow the instructions given, with discipline, conscientiousness and faith.
When I started the treatment I remember that it was several bottles with different names, every hour place a number of drops under the tongue...at the beginning it was a bit tedious but he explains that then it is removed, the hours...this start is for the body to start coupling...so I did...today after almost 9 years I only use a single bottle and I take it every 14 days.
Very favourable results, the anguish that I felt was disappearing, there were changes in how I looked at life, letting go of many things that emotionally were there and were accumulating. When I was more confident with the doctor I asked him: but how do you know or realise the health of the person what is going through just with a drop of blood...he looked at me and smiled: it is the energy field that the patient transmits when he arrives and gives me an orientation...
There I understood a little more about the energy of our body and the relation it has with our thoughts, the consequences of negative thoughts and their influence on our physical health.
I consider homeopathy as an alternative medicine a very useful tool because it treats the patient in a holistic way. The practice of homeopathy is up to each person and according to their discipline in its use, the results will be seen in a desired health... always be aware of emotions and thoughts that are closely related to the physical part.
If you want to participate,
here the details
Invite @brujita18 @solystilo
Gif @alarcon22.arte
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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
As mentioned in the invitation to this competition, the WHO's motto this year is: Our Planet, Our Health, given the experiences that everyone on the planet has had with the pandemic, its causes, consequences, and everything that affects the organism that has been affected by the Covid-19 virus.
Talking about personal health is important because it creates this awareness to look at ourselves, to stop looking at how others feel and to look at ourselves...how I feel, what is wrong with me, to ask ourselves a series of questions that we ask others...to answer them and to act on what we discover.
A few years ago, due to a situation on my scalp, I went to several dermatologists with the intention of healing that part of my body...at that time I already knew that physical health is closely linked to emotions and thoughts...in spite of this, I still did not understand what it was like, it was difficult to understand, I still did not assimilate it...I always make reference that when we are so intellectual it is difficult to assimilate making changes in our thoughts or understanding this relationship so that good health can exist.
In the search for improvement, I remember that a dermatologist sent me for a series of tests that had to do with diseases such as lupus and others...the girl in the laboratory looked at me and asked me: Why are they sending you for these tests? I answered her according to the doctor to rule out...I did not feel satisfied with this doctor because he gave me a medicine without knowing if it was necessary...I felt that he was experimenting on me.
In this search, I arrived on the recommendation of a work colleague to visit his uncle, a Doctor of Gynaecology but dedicated entirely to Homeopathy, his studies in this area took him a long time, I decided...I asked about his consultations and made an appointment.
The first consultation lasted more than three hours, I didn't really understand how the doctor was studying the patient by talking and talking... he still explained what homeopathy means and its difference with traditional medicine, and then he asked if I was really interested in taking on the use of these medicines.
I accepted, because in his talk he said that I could take traditional medicines if I decided to do so... at the beginning I said I was going to do it and follow the instructions given, with discipline, conscientiousness and faith.
When I started the treatment I remember that it was several bottles with different names, every hour place a number of drops under the tongue...at the beginning it was a bit tedious but he explains that then it is removed, the hours...this start is for the body to start coupling...so I did...today after almost 9 years I only use a single bottle and I take it every 14 days.
Very favourable results, the anguish that I felt was disappearing, there were changes in how I looked at life, letting go of many things that emotionally were there and were accumulating. When I was more confident with the doctor I asked him: but how do you know or realise the health of the person what is going through just with a drop of blood...he looked at me and smiled: it is the energy field that the patient transmits when he arrives and gives me an orientation...
There I understood a little more about the energy of our body and the relation it has with our thoughts, the consequences of negative thoughts and their influence on our physical health.
I consider homeopathy as an alternative medicine a very useful tool because it treats the patient in a holistic way. The practice of homeopathy is up to each person and according to their discipline in its use, the results will be seen in a desired health... always be aware of emotions and thoughts that are closely related to the physical part.
Gif @alarcon22.arte
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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
If you want to participate,
here the details
Invite @brujita18 @solystilo
Baners Source
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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Gracias mi querida @mercmarg ¡Abrazos!
Me gustó tu experiencia.
Muchos no aceptan que la medicina natural, aunque preventiva,es menos invasiva y con menos efectos secundarios.
Me alegra saber que ya no tienes el problema del cuero cabelludo
Si, es cuestión de fe y constancia
Muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Me alegra mucho que la medicina natural te ayudara cuando la necesitabas. Espero que cada día que pase sigas mejorando y conectando tu mente-cuerpo- espíritu.
Un abrazo infinito cargado de buenas vibras amoga.
La homeopatía es sin duda una buena alternativa, pero si no hay fe en ella es mejor no utilizarla.
Mi querida mercedes, es bueno que compartas con nosotros estas experiencias, yo aproximadamente a los 22 años comencé con una perdida de cabello increíble, fue muy duro y tuve que recurrir a tratamiento, era el estres de la universidad entre otras cosas.
La medicina homeopática puede tener grandes resultados, por ejemplo ya se esta usando hasta en animales, por ejemplo Señor Gato toma unas gotas para su problema de cistitis y han ayudado muchísimo, así que creo que es una muy buena alternativa a la medicina tradicional.
A pesar que la medicina homeopática trae muchos comentarios es cuestión de creer.
Si a veces revisamos mucha teoría y se nos pasa por alto la práctica, quizás lo más importante. Creo que hasta confundimos los nombres, tradicional viene de tradición y la medicina natural la que viene de generación en generación. Gracias por participar!
@tipu curate
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Gracias, muchas gracias
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Gracias, muchas gracias
¡Hola mi querida @mercmarg! interesante y buena proposición lo de La homeopatía como medicina alternativa, no lo he intentado, me animas si a intentar verme para ver como me va, Gracias amiga!
Si, es bueno...ayuda mucho...no importa el tratamiento que uses.
Hola, apreciada amiga @mercmarg
REalmente, el mundo de la medicina Naturista es muy amplio y se consiguen muy buenos resultados. Claro, hay que saber a quién acudir, pues existen muchos farsantes.
Te felicito, por haber logrado superar tu problemade salud, gracias a tu constancia y voluntad.
Un abrazote
Si, estoy de acuerdo hay que ser cuidadoso con quienes orecen estas alternativas...gracias a Dios este profesional es confiable.
Bueno te cuento que mi madre sufre de tiroides y gracias a la medicina homeópatica - natural ella no toma el medicamento que normalmente recetan ya que contiene esteroides y eso en vez de ayudar pues la perjudica, sal marina, buena alimentación mas tratamiento naturista ¡hace que nos podamos sentir mejor en todos los sentidos!