Feliz y bendecido mes que inicia.
Mi mejores deseos para todos.

Puedes mirarlo aquí.Leer el Mapa No. 41 que ofrece @mllg
Es una excelente oportunidad para darnos ese permiso de escuchar lo que expresamos, cuando lo expresamos, cómo lo hacemos en nuestras diferentes actividades diarias, en los diferentes entornos que acostumbramos a compartir.
La parte linguistica es esa parte que nos lleva a expresar los pensamientos, cómo lo hacemos y cómo estos influyen en nuestras acciones, es algo así que por cultura nos expresamos desde niños como escuchamos a quienes nos rodean tanto en el hogar como en las escuelas. A veces nuestro sentido va siempre a utilizar palabras que van en función de risas, burlas o dar nombres a situaciones diarias que convertimos en expresiones populares.
Hay muchos estudios que cada día nos lleva a situarnos en estas formas de hablar y de pensar, que sin darnos cuenta nos lleva o existe la tendencia a expresar situaciones positivas y negativas en una sola frase, como lo refleja @mllg como recomendación que nos transmite estar más atento a nuestras expresiones.

está allí de manera inconsciente repitiéndolo en automático en cualquier conversación. Ante nuevas informaciones que incorporamos y vamos entendiendo buscamos ir profundizando en el, de manera que lo ponemos en práctica y cuando escuchamos a otros hablar nos damos cuenta de esos errores que nosotros también hacemos. Nos miramos (porque a mi me pasa)ese entendimiento se hace presente.
Al entrar en estos temas porque están en los currículos de las asignaturas a estudiar en el nivel universitario pero no en todas unos los estudian para pasar una asignatura, en cambio otros el tema les parece interesante que se enganchan a buscar más información sobre el; además de comenzar esos cambios de acuerdo a lo que va incorporando en nuestro sistema. Así como lo explica @mllg, ese Mientras mas estudiamos acerca de ese proceso que ocurre en nuestro cerebro con los pensamientos y como los expresamos nos lleva a crear nuevas formas de expresión, detenernos antes de decir algo y buscar esas palabras en positivo de la situación del momento.
Siempre escribo cada vez que puedo o el tema se preste para ello que es desaprender para volver a aprender. Maravilloso cuando en los más jóvenes surge el interés por entender ese proceso neurolingüístico de cómo forma parte de nosotros, que provecho puede desprenderse de ello sólo con hacer uso de un lenguaje que lleve a la acción.
Hacer el ejercicio en nuestros escritos nos hace ser más conscientes de ello, así paso paso al hacer la practica vamos alejando un poco ese pero que resta en nuestro accionar ante situaciones del momento.

Pero, pero, pero, y ¿Cómo hago eso? Reaccionando, escucharnos, observarnos, es crear esa consciencia para incorporarlo en nuestro sistema, hacer uso de las ideas que cada día es un aprendizaje que nos lleva a orientar a otros cuando decidimos mejorar nuestro pensar, nuestra expresión, entender que todos miramos diferentes y de ello también hay estudios y teorías de todos esos procesos que nuestros sentidos por su naturaleza están allí para utilizarlos de manera positiva tanta para cada uno como para mejorar nuestro entorno.
Aprender es vivir,
Aprender es vivir,
no podemos dejar de aprender.

Happy and blessed month that begins.
My best wishes to all.

It is an excellent opportunity to give ourselves that permission to listen to what we express, when we express it, how we do it in our different daily activities, in the different environments that we are used to sharing.
The linguistic part is that part that leads us to express our thoughts, how we do it and how these influence our actions, it is something like that, due to culture, we express ourselves from childhood as we listen to those around us both at home and in schools. Sometimes our sense will always use words that are based on laughter, mockery or giving names to daily situations that we turn into popular expressions.
Faced with new information that we incorporate and we are understanding, we seek to go deeper into it, so that we put it into practice and when we listen to others speak, we realize those mistakes that we also make. We look at each other (because it happens to me) that understanding is present.
The more we study about this process that occurs in our brain with thoughts and how we express them, it leads us to create new forms of expression, stopping before saying something and looking for those positive words of the situation at the moment.
I always write whenever I can or the subject lends itself to it, which is to unlearn in order to relearn. Wonderful when the interest arises in the youngest to understand this neurolinguistic process of how it is part of us, what benefit can be derived from it only by using a language that leads to action.
Doing the exercise in our writings makes us more aware of it, so step by step when doing the practice we move away a little from that but that remains in our actions in situations of the moment.
But, but, but, and how do I do that? Reacting, listening to ourselves, observing ourselves, is to create that awareness to incorporate it into our system, to make use of the ideas that every day is a lesson that leads us to guide others when we decide to improve our thinking, our expression, understanding that we all look differently and differently. There are also studies and theories of all those processes that our senses by their nature are there to use them in a positive way both for each one and to improve our environment.
When entering these topics because they are in the curricula of the subjects to be studied at the university level but not all of them study them to pass a subject, while others find the topic interesting and they get hooked on looking for more information about it; in addition to starting those changes according to what is being incorporated into our system. As @mllg explains, that but is there unconsciously repeating it automatically in any conversation. There are many studies that every day lead us to situate ourselves in these ways of speaking and thinking, which without realizing it leads us or there is a tendency to express positive and negative situations in a single sentence, as reflected by @mllg as a recommendation that he transmits to us be more attentive to our expressions.Read Map No. 41 offered by @mllg

Happy and blessed month that begins.
My best wishes to all.

It is an excellent opportunity to give ourselves that permission to listen to what we express, when we express it, how we do it in our different daily activities, in the different environments that we are used to sharing.
Read Map No. 41 offered by @mllg The linguistic part is that part that leads us to express our thoughts, how we do it and how these influence our actions, it is something like that, due to culture, we express ourselves from childhood as we listen to those around us both at home and in schools. Sometimes our sense will always use words that are based on laughter, mockery or giving names to daily situations that we turn into popular expressions.
There are many studies that every day lead us to situate ourselves in these ways of speaking and thinking, which without realizing it leads us or there is a tendency to express positive and negative situations in a single sentence, as reflected by @mllg as a recommendation that he transmits to us be more attentive to our expressions.

Faced with new information that we incorporate and we are understanding, we seek to go deeper into it, so that we put it into practice and when we listen to others speak, we realize those mistakes that we also make. We look at each other (because it happens to me) that understanding is present.
When entering these topics because they are in the curricula of the subjects to be studied at the university level but not all of them study them to pass a subject, while others find the topic interesting and they get hooked on looking for more information about it; in addition to starting those changes according to what is being incorporated into our system. As @mllg explains, that but is there unconsciously repeating it automatically in any conversation. The more we study about this process that occurs in our brain with thoughts and how we express them, it leads us to create new forms of expression, stopping before saying something and looking for those positive words of the situation at the moment.
I always write whenever I can or the subject lends itself to it, which is to unlearn in order to relearn. Wonderful when the interest arises in the youngest to understand this neurolinguistic process of how it is part of us, what benefit can be derived from it only by using a language that leads to action.
Doing the exercise in our writings makes us more aware of it, so step by step when doing the practice we move away a little from that but that remains in our actions in situations of the moment.

But, but, but, and how do I do that? Reacting, listening to ourselves, observing ourselves, is to create that awareness to incorporate it into our system, to make use of the ideas that every day is a lesson that leads us to guide others when we decide to improve our thinking, our expression, understanding that we all look differently and differently. There are also studies and theories of all those processes that our senses by their nature are there to use them in a positive way both for each one and to improve our environment.
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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @sacra97 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
🤗🤗🤗❤️❤️☺️☺️🤗😊👏👏✨🌹🌹✨🤗❤️❤️Asi es mi bella amiga @mercmag estamos en un constante aprender y debemos crear conciencia para ser mejores cada día, muy hermoso tu post
Gracias, muchas gracias
Agradecida por la lectura de mi publicación y por servir de inspiración a tu postMuy cierto, @mercmarg, aprender exige en muchas oportunidades desaprender, para incluir el nuevo conocimiento. Esto requiere tiempo, por eso es necesario ser pacientes con nosotros mismos.
Gracias a ti por traer este tema como otros, son conocimientos que eso va a depender de la elección de cada quien.
Buen trabajo!!
Y simpático ese pero pero pero
Per, pero, pero