Pasados unos minutos, sentí la presencia de alguien a mi lado, era un joven risueño de unos 14 años aproximadamente, de cabello negro corto y tez blanca , estaba en silencio, al igual que yo, miraba extasiado la luz que de sus rayos salían. Luego de una pausa me dijo : -" Habla con él, te escucha"
-Cuando te sientas triste y te falte energía, búscalo;
-Cuando te duelan los huesos, corre hacia sus rayos y tomé sus palabras como un sabio consejo;
-Cuando quieras iniciar algo nuevo en tu vida, háblale al amanecer y cuando quieras terminar con una situación que te preocupe, búscalo al atardecer, que es cuando sus rayos se están ocultando y así tus problemas se irán con el ocaso".
Mi mente daba vueltas mientras pensaba ; como alguien tan joven me hablaba como una persona de más edad, también me preguntaba ¿ Cómo era posible que dos personas distintas hablaran del sol como un ser vivo y que podía oír? ¡Hasta un niño lo sabía!
El joven se despidió de mí y yo volví mis ojos al cielo por unos segundos, bajé mi mirada para encontrarlo de nuevo, quería preguntarle su nombre, pero mi vista no lo encontró más, desapareció sin dejar rastro.
Desde ese día, cada mañana espero ansiosa que salga el sol para pedirle que me haga brillar como él.

Hello dear community @holos-lotus, what a pleasure to write here again, very excited to participate in this initiative called: "THE SUN IN OUR LIFE" with the following story.
Since I was a child I have been in love with the sun, I love the clear and bright days where the blue of the skies and the green of the mountains are illuminated by the rays coming from the sun and allow us to appreciate the vibrant colors of the environment.
One day, talking to a friend of mine, she told me that the sun was a living and intelligent being and that it could even listen to me. This conversation filled me with astonishment and joy at the same time, I had never perceived it this way before. My wish was to go and meet the sun, so I left the house towards the beach, I wanted to sit on the seashore so I could contemplate it and say a few words to it. I raised my arms and my gaze towards the sun, to let myself be embraced by its rays. I was talking to him, I was not sure if he was listening to me, but I was happy enjoying the moment, while remembering the conversation I had with my friend.
After a few minutes, I felt the presence of someone next to me, it was a laughing young man of about 14 years old, with short black hair and white complexion, he was silent, just like me, looking ecstatic at the light that came out of his rays. After a pause he said to me: "Talk to him, he listens to you".
He continued: "
-When you feel sad and lack energy, look for him;
-When your bones ache, run to his rays and take his words as wise counsel;
-When you want to start something new in your life, talk to him at dawn and when you want to end a situation that worries you, look for him at dusk, that is when his rays are hiding and so your problems will go away with the sunset".
My mind was spinning as I thought; how could someone so young talk to me like an older person, I also wondered, how was it possible that two different people could talk about the sun as a living being that could hear? Even a child would know that!
The young man said goodbye to me and I turned my eyes to the sky for a few seconds, I lowered my gaze to find him again, I wanted to ask his name, but my sight did not find him anymore, he disappeared without a trace.
Since that day, every morning I wait anxiously for the sun to rise to ask him to make me shine like him.
Foto en la playa tomada con mi teléfono Orinoquia y extraida de mi IG personal // Photo on the beach taken with my Orinoquia phone and extracted from my personal IG
Imagen Inicial ,separadores y Banner hechos en Canva. // Starter image, dividers and banner made in Canva
Traducción realizada con // Translation made with
Me gustó mucho su relato. El sol es muy importante para todos. Muchas gracias por compartir esta entretenida lectura.
Gracias por leerme , me alegro que te gustara la publicación @tere.alv
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Hola @mergusa88 está precioso tu relato, hablar y expresar al universo lo que sientes y como en el relato al sol es un buen ejercicio. Saludos.
Que agradable leer tu comentario . Así es , muy bueno hablarle al Universo y a todo lo que incluye , luna , sol , etc , lo quise expresar en mi relato que el Sol no solo aporta beneficios a nivel físico , sino también mental . Gracias por leer y comentar . @jessiencasa