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RE: Las identificaciones como armas de doble filo | Identification as double-edged weapons [ES/EN]

in Holos&Lotus5 months ago

This is so true. I never really understood why people crave labels and boxes to fit into, but I guess it stems from feeling the need for an identity, a place to belong. Unfortunately people on social media prey on this and now, by all accounts, we're all autistic, ADHD and geniuses. This also preys on the need to feel special. It's okay, you're just neurodivergent it's not your fault, so you can behave however you like and besides, you're a genius so people should respect you instead of get annoyed at you being rude.

Esto es muy cierto. Nunca he entendido muy bien por qué la gente ansía etiquetas y cajas en las que encajar, pero supongo que surge de la necesidad de sentir una identidad, un lugar al que pertenecer. Desgraciadamente, la gente en las redes sociales se aprovecha de esto y ahora, según todos los indicios, todos somos autistas, TDAH y genios. Esto también se aprovecha de la necesidad de sentirse especial. No pasa nada, sólo eres neurodivergente, no es culpa tuya, así que puedes comportarte como quieras y, además, eres un genio, así que la gente debería respetarte en lugar de enfadarse porque seas grosero.

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It is like that. As I said, it is to see in words something that because of your discomfort and the difficulties of your environment, you have not been able to name, and then you begin to feel that you are not the only one. But this also serves as a cause and not as a consequence, because even if you don't have that label, you start to behave like one in order to fit in. That's something I failed to put in my article.

Thank you for reading me 🤜🏻🤛🏻