Thank you for this very interesting initiative that has led me to analyze various aspects of my life, trying to order ideas to be able to make this post; I invite @care1869 to give us his approach to this topic.
Before I would have answered yes, that unquestionably the affections are key to self-motivation, because I thought that if you did not have an external motivation there was no reason to move forward or believe that it was possible to achieve something you proposed, but today I am grateful to have gone through there and to be able to say that under my perspective today is not so, before it worked from demonstrating that I was valuable, that I was good, that I could do everything, that the more I had the more I was worth and that if I did more, everyone would love me; Until a lot of situations came to me that really put into question all those ways in which I was functioning.
For example I had a conversation a while ago and they asked me how I was doing and I answered that I was doing well because I was getting up early and that I was now motivated in many aspects of my life and they answered me that of course because I had a daughter and a husband and my answer was that no, that my motivation had come from within me, my answer was not very satisfactory for the person, I think I broke their patterns and that really surprised me and you will say and what is so surprising, the surprise was that my main motivation does not come from them, or anyone, I have learned that motivation must come from you, because at the time that for various situations, if something that you cling to as motivation ceases to exist, most likely you will fall into the worst of the abyss and I did not learn this by reading it, I learned it by living it.
Affections from my point of view are delicate feelings that you must treat them with great attention and that in some moments can ennoble you and in others not, if you are not conscious enough to discern that it can become attachment, manipulation, search for recognition, disidentification of the being that you really are, among others, you could find yourself involved in complicated situations, Our society does not teach us about this topic extensively, the relationships in our lives are usually full of several or some of those points mentioned above, what if you break that pattern and choose to be more you? , taking into account that what you had defined as affections should change, taking away the significance of external opinions and giving more importance to what you really think of yourself. One of the ways that has worked for me to undertake this change has been to be brutally honest with me, keep in mind that you can fool everyone, but the only person you can't fool is you.
Mi búsqueda incesante de bienestar me ha traído aquí y cada día me siento más motivada por los avances y la claridad que he obtenido con respecto a lo que me funciona a mí, reconociendo que no es un patrón que les funcione a todos, cada quien debe buscar que lo motiva y lo engrandece desde el fondo de su corazón.
Me he ido reeducando día a día de forma amable, me he convierto en mi mejor porrista reconociendo y agradeciendo mis logros, mis avances paso a paso, creyendo en mí y demostrándole a mi mente que los cambios si son reales y tangibles esa ha sido la manera de automativarme.
Nadie hará por ti lo que tú no estés dispuesto hacer por ti.
My relentless pursuit of wellness has brought me here and every day I feel more motivated by the progress and clarity I have obtained with respect to what works for me, recognizing that it is not a pattern that works for everyone, everyone must look for what motivates and enhances them from the bottom of their heart.
I have been re-educating myself day by day in a kind way, I have become my best cheerleader recognizing and thanking my achievements, my progress step by step, believing in myself and showing my mind that the changes are real and tangible, that has been the way to automate myself.
No one will do for you what you are not willing to do for you.
Gracias por la invitación y tenerme en cuenta. Pienso que nadie es el responsable de nuestra fekicidad sini nosotros mismos, por ende la automotivación viene de adentro, no del exterior. Gracias, Buen post.😁
Siempre es un placer invitarte y leer tus interesantes puntos de vistas, gracias por leerme y totalmente de acuerdo nadie es responsable solo uno mismo.😍😘
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Gracias por compartir tu crecimiento desde la experiencia. Saludos cariñosos 😊Hola @mugueto2022 gracias por unirte a este interesante "debate". El autoconocimiento es fundamental para el crecimiento personal con él nos damos cuenta de nuestras fortalezas y debilidades además de guiarnos por los caminos que decidimos seguir para procurarnos un mayor bienestar interior
Es un placer estar en esta comunidad y poder escribir abiertamente sobre mis experiencia y puntos de vistas, gracias por leerme.😍😘