Fuente/Source: Imagen generada por IA para este texto.
Antes que nada, cordiales saldos para la comunidad de #holos-lotus, y para los lectores de este post, y las comunidades y miembros de #Hive. Hoy, vi esta iniciativa, sobre ¿Quién soy? Lo que puedo aportar de mí, y me pareció bien interesante la propuesta, debido, a que creo que, de alguna u otra manera, todos hemos pasado por experiencias en la vida, que nos han hecho madurar y que nos ayudan a aportar algo positivo a la vida y a nuestros semejantes.
¿Quién soy? ¿Y qué puedo aportar de mí?</h2
Cuando uno va a hablar de uno mismo, muchas veces es incómodo, debido a que uno pasa por dos procesos: primero, el luchar en contra del ego, que lo hace sentirse a uno más o mejor que los demás, y lo hace sentir a uno, que en todo momento, tiene más derecho y más razón que las otras personas. Y de hecho, yo era así, y algunas veces sigo siendo así, cuando me dejo llevar por las emociones.
Sin embargo, la vida, con sus experiencias, me enseñó, que no soy mejor que los demás, ni tengo más derecho que los demás. Aún, cuando hay veces que tengo un retroceso en mi estado de consciencia, y me dejo llevar por las situaciones, cayendo otra vez en esa visión egocentrista y errada del mundo. Cuando tomo consciencia nuevamente, me doy cuenta del error que cometí, e intento dominar de nuevo mi posición personal ante el mundo y las demás personas.
Así que, cuando me pregunto a mí mismo, ¿quién soy? En lo personal, ya no me veo como me veía antes, con esa visión errada que tenía de mí mismo, que me hacía sentir, como si yo fuera el más grande, la apología de la grandeza, o el número uno de la nación. Y de hecho, así me veía y me sentía antes. Y no me daba cuenta de lo atorrante y lo desagradable, que uno podía ser para los demás.
Pero ahora, con las experiencias que me dio la vida, me veo de otra manera. Me veo como una de las partes de un todo. De hecho, ahora entiendo, que mucha de la gente que me cae mal, o las personas que antes no toleraba, es por el hecho, de que ellas eran un reflejo de mi ser, y al verlas de manera despectiva, al sentirme mejor que ellos, y/o al despreciarlas, no los hacía con ellos, sino que lo hacía conmigo mismo.
Y eso, lo pienso ahora, después de haber pasado por experiencias de vida muy duras y traumáticas, que me permitieron en medio de la soledad y de la discapacidad física de esos momentos, el estar conmigo mismo, el reconocerme, el rechazarme, para después aceptarme, y así, entender varios procesos y verme obligado a comenzar de nuevo, desde cero, con una nueva visión de vida.
Así que, si ahora me peguntan, ¿Quién soy? Diría que soy nada y soy todo, y aunque suene raro, lo sostendría, ya que puedo decir que no soy nada, ya que todo lo logré en un momento de mi vida, mi empresa, mi estabilidad, mi dinero, las posiciones que tuve. Resultaron no ser nada, y no tener un valor real en la vida, cuando la vida misma me obligó a ver las realidades.
Ahí me di cuenta de que dejé de vivir muchas cosas por nada, por una ilusión de grandeza y de éxito erradas, que, aunque las logré, resultaron ser tan efímeras como el agua, entre los dedos. Y del mismo modo, puedo decir que soy todo, ya que después de mis experiencias de vida aprendí a disfrutar cada instante de la vida, y a sentirme parte real de ella.
Ahora disfruto, desde un vaso de agua, cuando sacia mi sed, hasta de la vista de una montaña, de la risa, de los niños, de las aves y de cuanto nos da la vida día a día. Además, aprendí a escuchar a la gente, aprendí a no sentirme más que los demás. Aprendí que todos mis logros, bajo mi antigua escala de valores, me dieron mucho en lo material, pero me alejaron de lo verdaderamente importante.
Y por eso puedo decir, que me siento parte de un todo, y parte de la nada, ya que en la meditación aprendí, que en lo más profundo de la nada, está la unidad con el todo.
¿Qué pudo aportar de mí?
Creo que como persona, a estas alturas de mi vida, puedo aportar con seguridad y sin egoísmos, amistad, resiliencia, apoyo, compañerismo, compañía por amor al prójimo, el respeto, la inclusión y la armonía, en todos o en casi todos los procesos donde participe y actúe. Y a eso sumarle, finalmente, mi capacidad de trabajo y de aprender.
Antes de finalizar, quiero invitar a participar en esta iniciativa a: @akrros, @alicia2022, @ydaiznfts
Muchas gracias por leerme.
To read in English:
Source: Image generated by AI for this text.
Initiative Who am I? #16: What I can bring from me: Life Lessons, from ego to consciousness.
First of all, warm greetings to the #holos-lotus community, and to the readers of this post, and the #Hive communities and members. Today, I saw this initiative, about Who am I? What I can contribute from myself, and I found the proposal very interesting, because I think that, in one way or another, we have all gone through experiences in life, that have made us mature and that help us to contribute something positive to life and to our fellow human beings.
Who am I? And what can I contribute from myself?</h2
When one goes to talk about oneself, it is often uncomfortable, because one goes through two processes: first, fighting against the ego, which makes one feel more or better than others, and makes one feel that at all times, one has more right and more reason than other people. And in fact, I was like that, and sometimes I still am like that, when I let myself be carried away by emotions.
However, life, with its experiences, taught me, that I am not better than others, nor do I have more right than others. Even when there are times when I have a setback in my state of consciousness, and I get carried away by situations, falling back into that egocentric and erroneous vision of the world. When I become conscious again, I realize the mistake I made, and I try to master my personal position before the world and other people again.
So, when I ask myself, who am I? Personally, I no longer see myself as I used to, with that erroneous vision I had of myself, which made me feel, as if I were the greatest, the apology for greatness, or the number one of the nation. And in fact, this is how I looked and felt before. And I didn't realize how embarrassing and unpleasant one could be for others.
But now, with the experiences that life has given me, I see myself differently. I see myself as one of the parts of a whole. In fact, now I understand that many of the people I dislike, or the people I didn't tolerate before, is because of the fact that they were a reflection of my being, and when I saw them in a derogatory way, when I felt better than them, and/or when I despised them, I didn't do it with them, but I did it with myself.
And that, I think about it now, after having gone through very hard and traumatic life experiences, which allowed me, in the midst of the loneliness and physical disability of those moments, to be with myself, to recognize myself, to reject myself, to then accept myself, and thus, to understand various processes and to be forced to start all over again, from scratch, with a new vision of life.
So, if I'm wanted now, who am I? I would say that I am nothing and I am everything, and although it sounds weird, I would hold it, since I can say that I am nothing, since I achieved everything at one point in my life, my company, my stability, my money, the positions I had. They turned out to be nothing, and to have no real value in life, when life itself forced me to see the realities.
That's when I realized that I stopped living a lot of things for nothing, for an illusion of wrong greatness and success, which, although I achieved them, turned out to be as ephemeral as water, between my fingers. And in the same way, I can say that I am everything, because after my life experiences I learned to enjoy every moment of life, and to feel a real part of it.
Now I enjoy, from a glass of water, when I quench my thirst, to the view of a mountain, laughter, children, birds and how much life gives us day by day. In addition, I learned to listen to people, I learned not to feel more than others. I learned that all my achievements, under my old scale of values, gave me a lot in the material, but they took me away from the truly important.
And that's why I can say that I feel part of a whole, and part of nothing, because in meditation I learned that in the deepest of nothingness, there is unity with the whole.
What could you bring from me?
I believe that as a person, at this point in my life, I can safely and unselfishly contribute friendship, resilience, support, companionship, companionship for love of neighbor, respect, inclusion and harmony, in all or almost all processes where I participate and act. And to that, finally, add my ability to work and to learn.
Before finishing, I want to invite to participate in this initiative: @akrros, @alicia2022, @ydaiznfts
Thank you very much for reading me.
Translated by Yandex.com
Cuando uno va a hablar de uno mismo, muchas veces es incómodo, debido a que uno pasa por dos procesos: primero, el luchar en contra del ego, que lo hace sentirse a uno más o mejor que los demás, y lo hace sentir a uno, que en todo momento, tiene más derecho y más razón que las otras personas. Y de hecho, yo era así, y algunas veces sigo siendo así, cuando me dejo llevar por las emociones.
Sin embargo, la vida, con sus experiencias, me enseñó, que no soy mejor que los demás, ni tengo más derecho que los demás. Aún, cuando hay veces que tengo un retroceso en mi estado de consciencia, y me dejo llevar por las situaciones, cayendo otra vez en esa visión egocentrista y errada del mundo. Cuando tomo consciencia nuevamente, me doy cuenta del error que cometí, e intento dominar de nuevo mi posición personal ante el mundo y las demás personas.
Así que, cuando me pregunto a mí mismo, ¿quién soy? En lo personal, ya no me veo como me veía antes, con esa visión errada que tenía de mí mismo, que me hacía sentir, como si yo fuera el más grande, la apología de la grandeza, o el número uno de la nación. Y de hecho, así me veía y me sentía antes. Y no me daba cuenta de lo atorrante y lo desagradable, que uno podía ser para los demás.
Pero ahora, con las experiencias que me dio la vida, me veo de otra manera. Me veo como una de las partes de un todo. De hecho, ahora entiendo, que mucha de la gente que me cae mal, o las personas que antes no toleraba, es por el hecho, de que ellas eran un reflejo de mi ser, y al verlas de manera despectiva, al sentirme mejor que ellos, y/o al despreciarlas, no los hacía con ellos, sino que lo hacía conmigo mismo.
Y eso, lo pienso ahora, después de haber pasado por experiencias de vida muy duras y traumáticas, que me permitieron en medio de la soledad y de la discapacidad física de esos momentos, el estar conmigo mismo, el reconocerme, el rechazarme, para después aceptarme, y así, entender varios procesos y verme obligado a comenzar de nuevo, desde cero, con una nueva visión de vida.
Así que, si ahora me peguntan, ¿Quién soy? Diría que soy nada y soy todo, y aunque suene raro, lo sostendría, ya que puedo decir que no soy nada, ya que todo lo logré en un momento de mi vida, mi empresa, mi estabilidad, mi dinero, las posiciones que tuve. Resultaron no ser nada, y no tener un valor real en la vida, cuando la vida misma me obligó a ver las realidades.
Ahí me di cuenta de que dejé de vivir muchas cosas por nada, por una ilusión de grandeza y de éxito erradas, que, aunque las logré, resultaron ser tan efímeras como el agua, entre los dedos. Y del mismo modo, puedo decir que soy todo, ya que después de mis experiencias de vida aprendí a disfrutar cada instante de la vida, y a sentirme parte real de ella.
Ahora disfruto, desde un vaso de agua, cuando sacia mi sed, hasta de la vista de una montaña, de la risa, de los niños, de las aves y de cuanto nos da la vida día a día. Además, aprendí a escuchar a la gente, aprendí a no sentirme más que los demás. Aprendí que todos mis logros, bajo mi antigua escala de valores, me dieron mucho en lo material, pero me alejaron de lo verdaderamente importante.
Y por eso puedo decir, que me siento parte de un todo, y parte de la nada, ya que en la meditación aprendí, que en lo más profundo de la nada, está la unidad con el todo.
¿Qué pudo aportar de mí?
Creo que como persona, a estas alturas de mi vida, puedo aportar con seguridad y sin egoísmos, amistad, resiliencia, apoyo, compañerismo, compañía por amor al prójimo, el respeto, la inclusión y la armonía, en todos o en casi todos los procesos donde participe y actúe. Y a eso sumarle, finalmente, mi capacidad de trabajo y de aprender.
Antes de finalizar, quiero invitar a participar en esta iniciativa a: @akrros, @alicia2022, @ydaiznfts
Muchas gracias por leerme.
To read in English:
Source: Image generated by AI for this text.
Initiative Who am I? #16: What I can bring from me: Life Lessons, from ego to consciousness.
First of all, warm greetings to the #holos-lotus community, and to the readers of this post, and the #Hive communities and members. Today, I saw this initiative, about Who am I? What I can contribute from myself, and I found the proposal very interesting, because I think that, in one way or another, we have all gone through experiences in life, that have made us mature and that help us to contribute something positive to life and to our fellow human beings.
Who am I? And what can I contribute from myself?</h2
When one goes to talk about oneself, it is often uncomfortable, because one goes through two processes: first, fighting against the ego, which makes one feel more or better than others, and makes one feel that at all times, one has more right and more reason than other people. And in fact, I was like that, and sometimes I still am like that, when I let myself be carried away by emotions.
However, life, with its experiences, taught me, that I am not better than others, nor do I have more right than others. Even when there are times when I have a setback in my state of consciousness, and I get carried away by situations, falling back into that egocentric and erroneous vision of the world. When I become conscious again, I realize the mistake I made, and I try to master my personal position before the world and other people again.
So, when I ask myself, who am I? Personally, I no longer see myself as I used to, with that erroneous vision I had of myself, which made me feel, as if I were the greatest, the apology for greatness, or the number one of the nation. And in fact, this is how I looked and felt before. And I didn't realize how embarrassing and unpleasant one could be for others.
But now, with the experiences that life has given me, I see myself differently. I see myself as one of the parts of a whole. In fact, now I understand that many of the people I dislike, or the people I didn't tolerate before, is because of the fact that they were a reflection of my being, and when I saw them in a derogatory way, when I felt better than them, and/or when I despised them, I didn't do it with them, but I did it with myself.
And that, I think about it now, after having gone through very hard and traumatic life experiences, which allowed me, in the midst of the loneliness and physical disability of those moments, to be with myself, to recognize myself, to reject myself, to then accept myself, and thus, to understand various processes and to be forced to start all over again, from scratch, with a new vision of life.
So, if I'm wanted now, who am I? I would say that I am nothing and I am everything, and although it sounds weird, I would hold it, since I can say that I am nothing, since I achieved everything at one point in my life, my company, my stability, my money, the positions I had. They turned out to be nothing, and to have no real value in life, when life itself forced me to see the realities.
That's when I realized that I stopped living a lot of things for nothing, for an illusion of wrong greatness and success, which, although I achieved them, turned out to be as ephemeral as water, between my fingers. And in the same way, I can say that I am everything, because after my life experiences I learned to enjoy every moment of life, and to feel a real part of it.
Now I enjoy, from a glass of water, when I quench my thirst, to the view of a mountain, laughter, children, birds and how much life gives us day by day. In addition, I learned to listen to people, I learned not to feel more than others. I learned that all my achievements, under my old scale of values, gave me a lot in the material, but they took me away from the truly important.
And that's why I can say that I feel part of a whole, and part of nothing, because in meditation I learned that in the deepest of nothingness, there is unity with the whole.
What could you bring from me?
I believe that as a person, at this point in my life, I can safely and unselfishly contribute friendship, resilience, support, companionship, companionship for love of neighbor, respect, inclusion and harmony, in all or almost all processes where I participate and act. And to that, finally, add my ability to work and to learn.
Before finishing, I want to invite to participate in this initiative: @akrros, @alicia2022, @ydaiznfts
Thank you very much for reading me.
Translated by Yandex.com
When one goes to talk about oneself, it is often uncomfortable, because one goes through two processes: first, fighting against the ego, which makes one feel more or better than others, and makes one feel that at all times, one has more right and more reason than other people. And in fact, I was like that, and sometimes I still am like that, when I let myself be carried away by emotions.
However, life, with its experiences, taught me, that I am not better than others, nor do I have more right than others. Even when there are times when I have a setback in my state of consciousness, and I get carried away by situations, falling back into that egocentric and erroneous vision of the world. When I become conscious again, I realize the mistake I made, and I try to master my personal position before the world and other people again.
So, when I ask myself, who am I? Personally, I no longer see myself as I used to, with that erroneous vision I had of myself, which made me feel, as if I were the greatest, the apology for greatness, or the number one of the nation. And in fact, this is how I looked and felt before. And I didn't realize how embarrassing and unpleasant one could be for others.
But now, with the experiences that life has given me, I see myself differently. I see myself as one of the parts of a whole. In fact, now I understand that many of the people I dislike, or the people I didn't tolerate before, is because of the fact that they were a reflection of my being, and when I saw them in a derogatory way, when I felt better than them, and/or when I despised them, I didn't do it with them, but I did it with myself.
And that, I think about it now, after having gone through very hard and traumatic life experiences, which allowed me, in the midst of the loneliness and physical disability of those moments, to be with myself, to recognize myself, to reject myself, to then accept myself, and thus, to understand various processes and to be forced to start all over again, from scratch, with a new vision of life.
So, if I'm wanted now, who am I? I would say that I am nothing and I am everything, and although it sounds weird, I would hold it, since I can say that I am nothing, since I achieved everything at one point in my life, my company, my stability, my money, the positions I had. They turned out to be nothing, and to have no real value in life, when life itself forced me to see the realities.
That's when I realized that I stopped living a lot of things for nothing, for an illusion of wrong greatness and success, which, although I achieved them, turned out to be as ephemeral as water, between my fingers. And in the same way, I can say that I am everything, because after my life experiences I learned to enjoy every moment of life, and to feel a real part of it.
Now I enjoy, from a glass of water, when I quench my thirst, to the view of a mountain, laughter, children, birds and how much life gives us day by day. In addition, I learned to listen to people, I learned not to feel more than others. I learned that all my achievements, under my old scale of values, gave me a lot in the material, but they took me away from the truly important.
And that's why I can say that I feel part of a whole, and part of nothing, because in meditation I learned that in the deepest of nothingness, there is unity with the whole.
What could you bring from me?
I believe that as a person, at this point in my life, I can safely and unselfishly contribute friendship, resilience, support, companionship, companionship for love of neighbor, respect, inclusion and harmony, in all or almost all processes where I participate and act. And to that, finally, add my ability to work and to learn.
Before finishing, I want to invite to participate in this initiative: @akrros, @alicia2022, @ydaiznfts
Thank you very much for reading me.
Conocerse a sí mismo muchas veces requiere de esos sacudones que da la vida. Entonces podemos vernos desde otro ángulo. Seguro que así como te ves también te ven los demás. Buenos aportes.
Sabes lo que veo, es que es una lucha constante, para mantenerse consciente y no dejarse llevar, ya que cuando uno pierde el centro, uno reacciona de manera automática, y eso obliga a estarse revisando y controlar los impulsos, y definitivamente, uno debe bajar la guardia, ya que al hacerlo siempre se pierde, y hay que iniciar de nuevo. La eterna lucha, jajaja.
Feliz tardeHola @charjaim, feliz tarde, muchas gracias por el comentario.