Greetings, beautiful people in this community.
This is my first time in this community. Going through this community, I have seen beautiful content and contest questions. Today, I stumbled on the " films that inspired."
Image by me
Truly, we have films that inspire, motivate, and influence the lifestyle of people to think positively about life, and this is a way of changing or influencing our mindset toward positivity in all spheres of life. Education is very vital as it adds growth and influence to our daily lives. Films also improve our vocabulary, the way we structure our sentences, and our approach to life when it comes to starting or ending a conversation with two or many people.
Two years ago, I watched a movie that caught my full attention to see to the end. The protagonist and antagonist were such influential people, and they acted their part perfectly. I think they were professional. I couldn't recall the name of the film but the scenes are fresh on my mind, which I'm going to share with you.
This is husband and wife happily married, well educated, and influential in their business. The wife, one day, complains about house chores at home, that she needs a maid to come and help her with the house chores and cooking in the house. The husband resisted the idea of bringing in a housemaid and on the other hand, the wife pleaded that he should look for one for her. The husband searched for an interior village girl to the house to help her wife. Unfortunately, the wife later maltreated this girl in the absence of the husband, and when the husband later found out that the wife used to maltreat this housemaid, he wasn't happy with her wife. As the sensitive husband, he was, he respectfully called his wife to order, rebuking her of bad character toward her maid.
Furthermore, a woman or wife who was well-schooled acted like someone who hadn't reached the university level, but a village girl who hadn't reached elementary 3 acted so intelligently, respecting her. Upon the warning from her husband and the respect the housemaid has for her, she still had that awful character towards her maid by hitting her with every mistake she made not only that this girl would be walking from morning till night without a rest. Her husband still noticed that, and he scolded his wife for the first time, for treating someone's daughter that way. This issue resulted in conflict in their marriage and the husband got exhausted by her attitude. For the peace of the home, this housemaid ran to her hometown without them knowing. This was where the husband cried and drove off in search of this maid. Fortunately, he met her on the way with her luggage and decided to take her to where she lived. They reached her residence and the man saw how her family was and decided to help the housemaid and her family. This was how the story of the girl changed. She completed her academics and she was offered a scholarship by the man.
This film taught me lessons as a woman and a wife-to-be: to be of a good heart to people's children treating them as my children, no matter their backgrounds, educated or not.
And becoming influential to people's children, making them discover themselves and who they are.
Therefore, I invite @utibeabasi and @gloreal to be part of this contest.
Spanish using Deepl translation
Saludos, gente guapa de esta comunidad.
Esta es mi primera vez en esta comunidad. Recorriendo esta comunidad, he visto hermosos contenidos y preguntas de concursos. Hoy, me he topado con las " películas que inspiraron ".
Verdaderamente, tenemos películas que inspiran, motivan e influyen en el estilo de vida de las personas para que piensen positivamente sobre la vida, y esta es una forma de cambiar o influir en nuestra mentalidad hacia la positividad en todas las esferas de la vida. La educación es muy vital, ya que aporta crecimiento e influencia a nuestra vida cotidiana. Las películas también mejoran nuestro vocabulario, la forma en que estructuramos nuestras frases y nuestro enfoque de la vida a la hora de iniciar o terminar una conversación con dos o muchas personas.
Hace dos años, vi una película que captó toda mi atención para verla hasta el final. El protagonista y el antagonista eran personas muy influyentes, y actuaron su papel a la perfección. Creo que eran profesionales. No recuerdo el nombre de la película, pero tengo frescas en la memoria las escenas que voy a compartir con vosotros.
Se trata de marido y mujer felizmente casados, bien educados e influyentes en sus negocios. La esposa, un día, se queja de las tareas domésticas en casa, de que necesita una criada que venga a ayudarle con las tareas domésticas y a cocinar en casa. El marido se resistió a la idea de traer una criada y, por otro lado, la mujer le suplicó que le buscara una. El marido buscó a una chica de pueblo del interior de la casa para que ayudara a su mujer. Desgraciadamente, más tarde la mujer maltrataba a esta chica en ausencia del marido, y cuando éste se enteró más tarde de que la mujer solía maltratar a esta empleada del hogar, no quedó contento con su mujer. Como marido sensible que era, llamó respetuosamente al orden a su mujer, reprendiéndola por su mal carácter hacia la criada.
Además, una mujer o esposa bien escolarizada se comportaba como alguien que no ha llegado al nivel universitario, pero una niña de pueblo que no ha llegado a 3º de primaria se comportaba de forma tan inteligente, respetándola. A pesar de la advertencia de su marido y del respeto que le tiene la criada, ella seguía teniendo ese horrible carácter hacia su criada pegándole con cada error que cometía no sólo que esta chica anduviera de la mañana a la noche sin descanso. Su marido todavía se dio cuenta de eso, y regañó a su esposa por primera vez, por tratar a la hija de alguien de esa manera. Este asunto provocó un conflicto en su matrimonio y el marido se cansó de su actitud. Por la paz del hogar, esta criada huyó a su pueblo natal sin que ellos lo supieran. El marido se echó a llorar y salió en busca de la criada. Afortunadamente, la encontró por el camino con su equipaje y decidió llevarla a donde vivía. Llegaron a su residencia y el hombre vio cómo estaba su familia y decidió ayudar a la criada y a su familia. Así fue como cambió la historia de la chica. Terminó sus estudios y el hombre le ofreció una beca.
Esta película me enseñó lecciones como mujer y futura esposa: a ser de buen corazón con los hijos de la gente tratándolos como a mis hijos, sin importar su procedencia, educados o no.
Y ser influyente para los hijos de la gente, haciéndoles descubrirse a sí mismos y quiénes son.
Por ello, invito a @utibeabasi y @gloreal a formar parte de este concurso.
Great! I think I haven't seen that movie, but it sounds interesting. Have a nice day ahead!
Yeah, it's an interesting movie to see. Thank you for reading
Welcome to the #holoslotus community, it's good that you took lessons from the movie you saw even though you don't remember the name. Greetings @peckypeace
First of all, welcome to the #Holos-Lotus community. It's a shame you don't remember the name of the movie. However, you noticed how much it influenced you. I agree, that good treatment and education transform people.
Thank you for sharing your comments.