Bendiciones a todos ♥️
Blessings to all ♥️
Do you remember a narrow stretch or a fall on your journey through life? Was it easy to regain the motivation to keep going? Do you remember what strategies you used to get ahead?Good morning, Community 🙏🏽❤️ I am pleased to be here to participate and answer the questions of the initiative proposed by @mllg. The questions are as follows:
🇪🇦 Portada realizada utilizando los elementos gratuitos de las aplicaciones móviles de InShot y Canva 📸 // 🇺🇲 Cover made using the free elements of the InShot and Canva mobile apps 📸
Like any human being, throughout our lives we go through spurts of high and low turning points, what we colloquially know as the "ups and downs of life". These build us up or destroy us, depending on the angle of vision we want to give it according to our personality and level of perception as individuals.
Although it is not at all pleasant to go through situations that distress and demotivate us, they are necessary for our personal growth. In each one of us there is a force of motivation that emerges from deep within us to channel the learning after each setback.
Mi Experiencia 🤯 // My Experience
In 2016, with sacrifice and a lot of effort, I graduated as a Chemical Process Engineer. A person very close to my family offered me and my boyfriend to do an internship in PDVSA Gas Anaco. My boyfriend at the time did not accept because his family had other plans for him, but I was thrilled and excited to develop my knowledge and skills in the workplace.
When I moved to the town of Anaco, in the state of Anzoátegui 🇻🇪 I was super excited to develop myself in the PDVSA GAS spaces. I was aware of what the company was at that time, but my focus was to learn and do my internship as well as possible.
In the beginning, you could say the first week, everything was 100 percent perfect. This person close to my family was my mentor for this internship so he was introducing me to several engineers who would help me with my work, outlining their knowledge to achieve the goals I set for myself. I went to all the meetings scheduled with these people, they taught me how to use two very important simulators for the focus of my work and in the first few weeks I felt like a fish in water.
This feeling of success did not last for long. My internship mentor was very strict, to the extent that he would not half scold me or say hurtful things to me in front of anyone. At first, I didn't take it so personally until I didn't even want to see this person on the company premises anymore. Everything I was doing was wrong, I couldn't even translate my approach and perspectives into my work, which was my responsibility because absolutely everything had to be done the way this person wanted it done.
From a simple typeface, font size and color of a slide to the wording of my content; nothing I did seemed right to him and everything bothered him. My lowest turning point was when I went to his office with one of the geological engineers who was helping me with my work and he yelled at me in front of her. The girl was overwhelmed and defended me but I just wanted to cry and be swallowed up by the earth.
I didn't realize at the time that I was suffering from depression. My friend and hiver @chelle0891 can confirm to you all the times I would cry in the evenings when she would come home from work and I would tell her about how my day went. Not to mention all the times I would cry about waking up super sad because I didn't want to continue with internships anymore.
🇪🇸 ¡Gracias por tu apoyo siempre, hermana! 🥰 // 🇺🇸 Thank you for your support always, sister 🥰
I told my mom about what was going on with me and she ignored the situation because she was close friends with this person. She just assumed that me always having a bad temper and being a perfectionist might have clashed with my tutor. Which was not true and it hurt me even more that my mom put her friendship with this person above my mental health.
I decided one day to stop crying and finish my work once and for all. I tried my best to make the best exhibition despite the great depression I was going through. Despite this, my internship exhibition was such a success that I was absorbed by a contractor the next day. I was grateful for this because I was no longer dependent on this person's opinion for my new job and I was happy to start a new direction.
I thanked this person for the opportunity but I decided not to talk to him anymore. He made a super negative impact on my life and I did not thank him for that at all, if it was a life lesson. Most human beings do not know how to channel their frustrations and take them out on others. Very few of us are empathetic. I took responsibility from day one, I cried a river because of what I was going through. Then I got up and went on.
I didn't leave where I didn't feel good because I was a professional. Regardless of how I felt, I decided to finish my goal and leave through the big door. No one is better than ANYONE but there are people who think they have God by the beard and are fascinated with ridiculing and minimizing others.
We must learn to be respectful and empathetic when we are not in the place of the afflicted and do not know how to measure the consequences of what we say. I believe that there is nothing more beautiful than a person who puts himself in the shoes of others and is kind to everyone around him, despite the problems he may have. A position does not make us indispensable or indispensable.
Gracias a quien dedica unos minutos de su tiempo para leerme. Nos vemos en otra iniciativa 🥳♥️
Thanks to those who spend a few minutes of their time to read me. See you in another initiative 🥳♥️
🇪🇸Todas las fotografías fueron tomadas y editadas desde mi XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 11S / 🇺🇲All the photographs were taken and edited from my XIAOMI REDMI NOTE 11S 🇪🇸Este texto es redactado por @royvego55 y traducido al inglés utilizando el traductor de DeepL / 🇺🇲This text is written by @royvego55 and translated to English using the DeepL translator. |||🇪🇸Todos los derechos reservados / 🇺🇲All rights reserved / @royvego55 |||
Qué triste, después de empezar con tanta ilusión profesional, vivir esa mala experiencia. A veces, lo único positivo de ciertas situaciones es que aprendemos definitivamente el tipo de persona que no queremos ser.
Totalmente de acuerdo, mi querida @sofiaquino98 Hay gente que se le hace más fácil ser miserable y hacerle la vida de cuadritos a los demás que hacerles el bien. Pero al que está con Dios, le va bien siempre a pesar de los tropiezos.
Tuvo que ser realmente difícil, aún más cuando mamá no quiso escuchar, decidiste continuar y demostrar que todo lo que decía no era cierto, era solo producto de su vida frustrada. Felicidades por superar esa etapa, que hasta la vida recompensó con un empleo.
Así es, amiga. Fue un momento muy duro que hoy es parte de los recuerdos del pasado. Miro atrás solo para no volver a permitir que alguien me trate igual por no mirar más allá de sus narices. Saludos ❤️
Siempre, siempre estaré para ti hermana ❤️. Lo sabes 🫂, para bien y para mal.
Te quiero ❤️
Gracias, her. Tu apoyo en esos momentos fue mi roca. Gracias por siempre estar ♥️
Mientras esté en mi y pueda, sabes que lo estaré ❤️
Hola, @royvego55 una situación bastante difícil y reconozco que tuviste la entereza de terminar. Saludo grandote y que estés muy bien. 🙂
Hola @damarysvibra ✨♥️ Pues nada nos hace más fuertes que enfrentarnos a nuestros miedos. Saludos
Saliste por la puerta grande a pesar de...
Menos mal supiste ver que debías salir de allí
Si. El tramo fue bastante difícil pero me armé de valor y terminé mi propósito ❤️
Por otra parte, dejar atrás los resentimientos libera el alma, así que te invito a olvidar los malos ratos vividos durante tu pasantía y concentrarte en los buenos momentos y las personas que te apoyaron durante esa época, así como en el éxito que obtuviste. Y ¡felicitaciones por tu gran fuerza interior!
Un abrazo gigante desde la distancia.Tu pasantía fue todo un éxito, a pesar de los llantos que te ocasionó. @royvego55. Y el éxito no fue pequeño pues conseguir trabajo en tu área profesional creo que no es muy fácil, así que realmente hiciste un excelente aprendizaje.
Gracias a Dios, lo fue. Y mejor aprendizaje no me puso haber dejado está experiencia. Gracias por comentar mi publicación 🙏🏽♥️✨
¡Guau! que duro terminar la carrera con toda la emoción de ejercer, tener esta gran oportunidad de poder trabajar para ganar experiencia y que suceda esto. Que feo todo lo que te ocurrió pero ahora ya lo podes contar y esta experiencia le puede servir a otra persona que esta pasando por lo mismo o que en un futuro le pueda ocurrir algo similar. Éxitos con tu familia y con este concurso.
Las injusticias existen, uno debe poner el limite y hacer los cambios
Hola @nitsuga12 😂 Bueno, todo el miedo ha quedado en el pasado ... Ahora esa persona vive en tu patiadero: Argentina. Espero que le vaya bien y haya aprendido a tratar mejor a la gente.
Quedan la experiencia de saber cómo no queremos ser tratados, independientemente haya un trabajo de por medio.
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