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RE: Aprendiendo a ser decisivo con Miyamoto Musashi / Learning to be decisive with Miyamoto Musashi (SPA/ENG)

in Holos&Lotuslast year

Yeah! And he was right on point because only by developing ourselves we can actually reach milestones in life. What amazes me even further is that today we have like drugs, enhancers and supplements that people use to improve themselves and still fall very short to just use the natural tools we have that have been led stray by our comodities.

This a good time to be superhuman because people seem to be content to work at a baseline. There is room for another Musashi in this time.


Rightly said. It's ironic that the effects of drugs, enhancers and supplements doesn't always live up to expectations and sometimes prove to be detrimental to our system in the long run. Nowadays, it's definitely easy to become superman by developing focus and having a clear objective to aim at, most are just distracted and going where the crowd goes.