Greetings friends who make life on this platform, especially to those of the @holos-lotus community, you are all welcome to my blog.
Today I come with my participation to one more initiative proposed by our friend @charjaim where we show the I am not me of each one of us.
Talking about what we would not do or talking about how we are not can sometimes bring consequences to others because it makes us look like arrogant people even though we are all different and just as we have different characteristics, so is our behavior in life.
That is why, particularly in my case, there are many things I wouldn't do and even less to please anyone, knowing that for many of the things I don't like to do I fall badly; but in order not to extend myself I will name four that for me are my personal label.
If we talk about prioritizing, what I would put in first place are Bad manners in all their splendor; I am talking about not asking permission to enter someone else's house (even that of a family member or very good friend) no matter how much trust there is; I have always said that the more trust, the more respect.
Entering a house, arriving to a room and opening the door without knocking, opening refrigerators, uncovering pots, borrowing something without warning; definitely THAT'S NOT ME with those actions I blow my corks.
Secondly, people who like to criticize others; I am one of those who think that we should not rejoice in the evil of others and much less should we criticize others; something that really pulls me by the hair is talking about other people's children, when I say that I have 2 and tomorrow we do not know; definitely THAT IS NOT ME.
Third and not least, going out disheveled; not even to the bodega would I be able to do it, I don't like that; at least without painting my eyebrows...but I think that's in my blood because my mother is an artist and I've never seen her badly groomed; today she is 78 years old and she is a doll.
Y por último apartando la cocina (mejor no hablamos de eso) 🥴 la hipocresía; para mí es el sentimiento más feo que hay en el mundo ya que soy una persona muy dada, me gusta ayudar, presto apoyo a todo el que necesita aunque mal paguen en ciertas ocasiones; es por ello que por la hipocresía y mucho mas ESA NO SOY YO .
And lastly, leaving aside the kitchen (we better not talk about it) 🥴 hypocrisy; for me it is the ugliest feeling in the world because I am a very caring person, I like to help, I support anyone in need even if they pay badly on certain occasions; that is why hypocrisy and much more THAT IS NOT ME .
Gracias por leer, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.
📍 El texto es completamente de mi autoría.
📍 The text is entirely by me.
🎙️ Traducción realizada con DeepL Traslate.
🎙️ Translation using DeepL Traslate.
📸 Cámara: Tecno Spark Go 2023
📸 Camera: Tecno Spark Go 2023.
Saludos @tesoro4, me identifico contigo en todas esa cosas que no haríamos, tal cual pienso que tampoco me gusta que me hagan, siempre el respeto por delante, gracias por compartirlas!
Llegar a un sitio, entrar sin pedir permiso, es un abuso, así haya confianza, estoy de acuerdo contigo en las cuatro que has seleccionado. La lengua es castigo del cuerpo, hablar de los niños de otro sin ver a los propios casi siempre muestra la otra cara de la moneda. Saludos cordiales. Gracias por contarnos.
Así es amiga, mil grcs por visitar
Hace años viví con una persona que hacía todo lo que mencionas 😂, tomaba las cosas sin pedirlas y un largo etc... la convivencia fue terrible y agradecimos cuando se fue. Yo también he ayudado a gente que como bien dices, "mal pagan", pero uno no deja de hacerlo, hay algunos que no tienen empatía y se aprovechan. Saludos, @tesoro4 🤗.
Así es amiga, yo igual paso cada rabieta ero sigo haciéndolo xq eso me lo agradece Dios, grcs por visitar
Me encanto, mana. Es como oírte decir todas esas cosas porque definitivamente no eres nada hipócrita y desaliñada menooooos
Ay mana gracias manita, yo también te aprecio full!!