OMG you used some really big ass words in this one. LOL. It took me a minute to understand it all.
I also want to know. What are you nonchallantly hinting at in this article? I know you have some hidden meaning in it that I will never figure out cause I'm too boneheaded to figure it out.
Either way, its'sgood to catch you posting just as I logged in. Its always awesome to hear from you.
AHAHAHAHAH bonehead! you know me too well, ! yeah had to look for some new words so it feels more professional, mmmmm i figured out some ppl use nonchallant without even notice it.
It mostly happens in new relationships where people are just casually dating, and one of them becomes more in love or attracted to.
it can happen because of many things but basically it's chemistry, you react to that indifference because your brain needs to fix what it identifies as a problem and that is just your brain trying to figure out why someone who "likes you" is ghosting you out of nowhere.
Ahhh Ha! So thats why you ghosted us on the show! You do like us! ROFL! Im just messing with you. I will never stop picking on you cause it's too much fun.
But that really was a kick ass article. I didnt know there was that much in someone ghosting you. So, if I apply this to my job, Im guessing that the guys that avoid answering my phone calls just really like me and arent trying to aboid me yelling at them for doing something wrong then? Lol.
Nah. I think they just dont want me to yell at them. Lol. I dont think they like me at all.
HAHAHAHAH LMAO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, nah life is just getting more complicated for me C: i would love to jopin the show some day but feel like i have little to share these days x.x and so much to do, heal/think about
Dont worry about it. You gotta take care of you.
Besides we dont even do it half the time any ways. Lol. Too busy & too tired. It sucks getting old.