Poesía: Qué pienso de ti / Poetry: What I think of you

Me dijeron tantas cosas sobre ti, que como cruel vigilante estás allí. Que tu único propósito es golpear, a quien falla y no parece querer cambiar. Que vigilas cada paso que ya he dado, pero solo para ver si merezco ser castigado.

Compararon tu existencia a un corrupto juez, que no hace más que darme un veredicto absurdo vez tras vez. Uno que no se compagina con mi realidad, y aun así lo que me pase luego igual te da. Que hasta tienes tu grupito de allegados, a quienes proteges siempre, sin importar su presente o su pasado.

O que eras como un insensible doctor, que no hace más que revisar superficialmente, dando por sentado lo cercana que está la muerte del paciente. Y que incluso preferirías no haber sido llamado a este lugar, para poder con tus amigos en un mejor sitio disfrutar.

Hasta llegaron al punto de compararte con un forense, ese que solo es requerido cuando la esperanza ya duerme. Que recibe el cuerpo inerte y emite un certificado, dando por hecho que la vida de este cuerpo se ha marchado.

Dijeron tantas cosas sobre ti, como por ejemplo que no parece interesarte por qué ahora estoy así, que solo estabas esperando que cayera en este vacío profundo, que me alejara lo máximo posible de lo que siempre llamé “mi mundo”.

Siendo honesto, por un momento les creí, durante varios días mi mente me llevó a pensar que eras así, pero entonces miré atrás y al fin todo muy bien comprendí. Recordé cada una de las veces en las que fuiste mi apoyo, en las que me animaste a levantarme al hallarme en el lodo. Todas esas ocasiones en las que tu mano extendiste hacia mí, amable y cariñosamente, ¿cómo siquiera la idea de que eras malvado me pasó por la mente?

Estuviste siempre para mí, incluso cuando mi rebeldía superó los límites aceptables, cuando mi mente prefería ignorar lo que me decías, aun en esos momentos intentaste ayudarme.

Ya he vuelto a recuperar el control de mis pensamientos, y de quienes todas estas cosas dijeron sobre ti me he alejado, porque siempre he tenido claro cuáles son mis sentimientos, y aunque fui sacudido por una fea tormenta, lo que siento por ti sigue tan fuerte como en el pasado.

Ahora más que nunca entiendo lo valioso que es tenerte, ahora aprecio mucho más tus sabios consejos, como un buen pastor, siempre fiel y valiente. Tú brindas guía segura en los momentos complejos. Estás siempre vigilante, pero no para castigar, sino para dar la mano y ayudar, y salvar.

Una y otra vez lo diré: muchas gracias por estar ahí. Lo sé, fue un poco tarde, pero al fin lo entendí. Ahora comprendo que un amigo verdadero es el que te aconseja y dice la verdad, aunque duela, que está para apoyarte, es él quien te consuela. Y que sin importar lo que pase siempre estará esperando lo mejor de ti, porque sabe la clase de persona que eres. Y justo eso es lo que pienso yo de ti.

(Reflexión personal: A veces tomamos decisiones que pueden afectar profundamente nuestra vida y, tal vez por orgullo, no dejamos que otros nos ayuden a ver que estamos cometiendo un error. Qué bueno es tener verdaderos amigos que, hasta en los momentos más complicados, han estado dispuestos a brindarme ayuda, incluso cuando eso significa darme un buen regaño por mi actitud. Si tienen amigos así, cuídenlos mucho, porque valen oro).

English Version

I was told so many things about you, that like a cruel watchman you are there. That your only purpose is to strike, the one who fails and doesn't seem to change. That you watch every step I've already taken, but only to see if I deserve to be punished.

They likened your existence to a corrupt judge, who does nothing but give me an absurd verdict time after time. One that doesn't fit with my reality, and yet whatever happens to me afterwards, it doesn't matter to you. That you even have your own little group of close friends, whom you always protect, regardless of their present or their past.

Or that you were like an insensitive doctor, who does nothing more than a superficial examination, taking for granted how close the patient is to death. And that you would even prefer not to have been called to this place, so that you could be with your friends in a better place to enjoy yourself.

They even went so far as to compare you to a coroner, the one who is only required when hope is already asleep. Who receives the inert body and issues a certificate, taking for granted that the life of this body has departed.

They said so many things about you, like for example that you don't seem to care why I am like this now, that you were just waiting for me to fall into this deep void, to get as far away as possible from what I always called 'my world'.

To be honest, for a moment I believed them, for several my mind led me to think that you were like that, but then I looked back and at last everything very well I understood. I remembered every single time you were my support, when you encouraged me to get up when I found myself in the mud. All those times when your hand reached out to me, kindly and lovingly, how did even the thought that you were evil cross my mind?

You were always there for me, even when my rebelliousness exceeded acceptable limits, when my mind preferred to ignore what you were telling me, even in those moments you tried to help me.

I have now regained control of my thoughts, and from those who all these things said about you I have moved away, because I have always been clear about what my feelings are, and even though I was shaken by an ugly storm, what I feel for you is still as strong as in the past.

Now more than ever I understand how valuable it is to have you, now I appreciate much more your wise counsel, you are a good shepherd, always faithful and courageous. You provide sure guidance in complex moments. You are always vigilant, but not to punish, but to lend a hand and help, and save.

Again and again I will say it: thank you very much for being there. I know, it was a little late, but I finally understood. Now I understand that a true friend is the one who advises you and tells you the truth, even if it hurts, that he is there to support you, he is the one who comforts you. And that no matter what happens he will always be waiting for the best from you, because he knows what kind of person you are. And that's exactly what I think of you.

(Personal reflection: Sometimes we make decisions that can profoundly affect our lives and, perhaps out of pride, we don't let others help us see that we are making a mistake. How good it is to have true friends who, even in the most complicated moments, have been willing to help me, even when it means giving me a good scolding for my attitude. If you have friends like that, take good care of them, because they are worth gold.)

Usuario en Discord: victoraraguayan1#4715
