TopicHello dear friends of @holos.lotus greetings to all, I come in this opportunity to participate in the that our friend @lilianajimenez talked to us about, which is good to let go of the past and start the new year that is beginning on the right foot.

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To be thankful is a word that is not always applied, or when it is done it is only for the good things, but that is the mistake, we must always be thankful, even if it is something bad, why? Because nothing happens for bad things, everything has a meaning, a reason to be, to teach us, to grow, to be better, because they are battles that God knows we can handle and that we will come out unscathed, I know there are very bad things that you can not thank, but ok don't thank that, thank that you are still alive and that you can change that bad moment.

ATo be thankful from the first moment you wake up until you go to bed is important, to be thankful for the smallest to the biggest, and when a year ends there are many things to be thankful for, another year that counts, another opportunity to do better things and shine in this world, because that is what you have to do, to go ahead shining in spite of the darkness, of what overwhelms you, and to understand that everything will have a different result as long as you do not give up and follow the path you want to continue on.

In 2024 I am thankful for the opportunity to advance in my work, because my mother is still alive even though her disease has advanced, because my son is growing healthy and strong, because I have the health to continue with my goals, for achieving changes at home, for seeking to change and improve certain aspects of my life, for teaching me every day, there were difficult times, but thank you for everything that made me grow and improve.

Now well this 2025 I am grateful that I can receive it, have the opportunity to move forward in several points of my life, especially thankful because my family is still there, because although some of us are far away we are still in contact, because as long as there is health and welfare the rest is formed little by little, it is a year to generate changes both personal and in the social sphere, It is a year to seek to go beyond what I am used to, to open doors that seem closed but we have to give ourselves the opportunity to change, it is not just another year, it is also a year that also has an important date to improve a political, economic and social change in my country, it is a year full of hope, I know that positive changes will be achieved or at least will continue because it has been felt since 2024.

Image by me
These are important moments that will come and for each one I am grateful to be able to be present and live them, I hope to continue and continue to see the ones I love with me. I thank God for being here.
Thank you very much for reading it. I hope you like it. If you have any comments I'll be glad to answer and if you want to know more about me I leave you my:

Translated Using Deepl

El que agradece algo, siempre tendrá más cosas que agradecer.
Parece como si se multiplicaran.
si es cierto jeje, muchas gracias por pasar!
Agradecer es muy importante amiga, me alegra que lo hagas, siento que también es algo que le da energía positiva a nuestra vida
asi es, hace que las cosas fluyan mejor, gracias por pasar!
Dar gracias, ser agradecido por lo mucho o lo poco se debe dar gracias, eso fortalece nuestra alma, nos hace sentir bien, asi paguemos también por algo que necesitamos y otra persona lo hace se agradece
así es amiga, hay que ser agradecido por todo, y agradecer a los demás también, gracias por pasar!😊
así es amiga, hay que ser agradecido por todo, y agradecer a los demás también, gracias por pasar!😊