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Greetings to all this week has been with a very variant weather and from the cold afternoon I love the invitation of our dear @lilianajimenez, about doing things well with the minimum of resources.
I write from Cuba, for those who do not know the Cuban I can assure you that it is the human being with the greatest capacity for resilience, innovative that exists.
I am one of those people who do not stop, well at least I feel that I am creative, many say that the famous phrase .... from nothing, nothing inspires, I think not. Because women I think we have intrinsic when we are born that creative ability to snap our fingers and without anything to get the best plate of food or the best blouse from the legs of a pair of pants, etc..
Some time ago we lived in planning against the clock of the blackout, we have in the country a programming you know can touch you in the morning, or in the afternoon. And I have then as a strategy to do everything in the early morning, but to this was added the lack of gas even more planned because I had to cook with a single electric stove.
Faced with so much cold I wanted to make soup with some chicken bones, because this would be used in a yellow rice, its mass, all ready and perfect, I was so creative that I invited some neighbors to the soup.
I don't know if it has ever happened that when something breaks in the house everyone says run now comes an avalanche of damage, well when suddenly without light and gas sigh the pressure cooker breaks.
I took a deep breath, but I knew I had to look for a solution, I check it to see why I didn't get pressure, everyone in the living room making stories waiting for the big soup, by candlelight, and I was there looking in my brain for some neuron that could help me to give pressure to the pot.
I check it, disassemble the gasket and realize that it is worn and broken. It is late, there is no way to buy a replacement and I remember that if in life my mother said that everything has a solution and for every breakage there is a sewing, then upstairs to sew the gasket.
Yes to sew it I took thread and needle, and it was almost not noticeable, but it still did not take pressure everyone asked me what was happening and I just said I'm doing magic when you take it you will see little fishes fly jjjj.
I didn't give up, I said today there is soup because yes and I took a nylon jaba, well here it is known as a new plastic bag, I cut it into long strips that I was putting around the joint until it had more volume.
When I placed it began to sound, a few minutes were enough to serve and consume, all the soup, this was devoured along with my patience by all present, but very grateful for it, however when I showed them why I was delayed between laughs asked me for a tutorial because they had never seen that.
I believe that problems should not diminish us, they are the only ones that have the ability to make us grow, to test us as human beings, but above all to share the solution that we find for each problem, because it will also help someone else.
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Que solución tan ocurrente y que bien que te funcionó Zory y pudistes terminar la sopa. Bravo por ti. Un abrazo 🤗
de verdad no puse foto por pena pero todaviaa la uso asi jjjjj
Me he angustiado leyendo tu anécdota.
Me he visto en situaciones parecidas aquí en Venezuela, pero la resiliencia termina ganado.
Lo disfruté mucho.
Admiro la resistencia y la fuerza que muchos tienen allá.
Un saludo desde aquí hasta la luna.Mi apreciada @zorili91