ser resolutivo/iniciativa/ aprendiendo cada vez más

in Holos&Lotuslast year

buenos días leyendo a nuestra querida @damarysvibra,sobre el tema ser resolutivo,tan acertada como siempre en sus iniciativas,esta es una de las mas interesantes para mi.


ser resolutivo es la capacidad que todos los seres humanos deberían poder desarrollar con creces y por tanto tendríamos la solución de conflictos más rápido.

me considero una persona resolutiva,y sobre todo asertiva quizás por mi carácter colerica_sanguinea. tiendo siempre a buscar varias soluciones a un mismo problemas siempre atreves de la calma pero que sucede cuando eres una persona así y te encuentras ante una mala noticia.

cuando fui al hospital con mi mama para recibir su lamentable noticia que tenia cáncer y en un estado que no se podía hacer nada,no voy a explicar lo que sentí porque no ahí manera de expresarlo pero con el tema de ser resolutivo,enseguida pensé desde la calma que me embargo en esos momentos,que tenia solución solo bastaba cambiar de medico y la respuesta seria otra.

caminamos las dos nos volvimos cómplice del silencio porque solo expresaba recuerda que yo todo lo resuelvo rápido así que tu tranquila y así fue salí con todo su informe medico,busque en diferentes hospitales una solución al problema pero la respuesta era la misma,hasta que me senté en el suelo de un hospital a llorar,no tenia solución al problema,eso era algo que no podía aceptar.


hasta que una persona muy mayor,medico por demás,se sentó a mi lado,y me explico,muchas cosas desde la terminologías de la enfermedad hasta algunas cosas propias de la vida y con el comprendí que dentro del problema grande había varios pequeños a los cuales si los veía bien podía darle solución,podía seguir siendo una persona resolutiva y asertiva.

Tienes el problema grande,tu mamá tiene una enfermedad que no tiene cura y un triste final,ese es el problema fundamental y no tienes la solución pero tienes otros problemas mas pequeños que si los resuelves rápido,sin perder el objetivo,con calma tu mamá te lo agradecerá igual,y yo me dije cuales son

_no estas a su lado ahora,que te necesita porque saliste a buscar lo que no ahí,corre a su lado

_ tienes problema de espacio en la vivienda,crear su espacio de tranquilidad y calidez
_no tienes una economía desbordante,pero vuélvete cómplice de sus antojos


así estuvimos hablando y me permitió darme cuenta que en muchos casos vemos un problemas,encontramos la causa y nos aferramos a que si no tiene la solución que entendemos es la correcta o mejor pues sencillamente fallamos.

vivimos en momentos de hiperconextividad,agitados,una vida muy atropellada y vemos en todo problemas que no tiene solución,por tanto al menos yo desde mi experiencia trato de respirar bien profundo ante un problema y primero que nada definirlo como problema porque a veces son cosas pequeñas y sencillas que la vemos como problema por el estado en que nos encontramos en ese momento.

escuchar a un tercero porque en muchos casos una opinión extra te da una solución que no habías valorado,trato de visualizar el problema con cada una de las diferentes soluciones que le diera y si ninguna de ella traería consigo otro problema,es decir ir descartando.

valorar mas la vida con sus problemas y sus soluciones nos dará mayor paz,como la sentí cuando le cerré los ojos y vi en ellos un brillo.

traductor deepl
imagenes de pixabay



as always in her initiatives, this is one of the most interesting for me.
one of the most interesting for me.
woman-2003647_960_720.jpgmujergood morning reading our dear @damarysvibra, on the subject of being resolute.

to be resolute is the capacity that all human beings should be able to develop and therefore we would have a better conflict and therefore we would have a quicker solution to conflicts.

I consider myself a decisive person, and above all an assertive one, perhaps because of my
I always tend to look for several solutions to the same problems, always through the
I always tend to look for several solutions to the same problem, always through calmness.
I always tend to look for several solutions to the same problem, but what happens when you are a person like that and you are faced with bad news.

when I went to the hospital with my mother to receive the unfortunate news that she had cancer and was in a state cancer and in a state that nothing could be done, I will not explain what I felt because there was no way to explain it. what I felt because there is no way to express it, but with the theme of being resolute, I immediately thought from the I will not explain what I felt because there is no way to express it, but with the theme of being resolute, I immediately thought from the calmness that I that there was a solution, all I had to do was to change my doctor and the the answer would be different.

We both walked, we became accomplices of the silence silence because I only expressed **remember that I solve everything quickly I went out with all her medical report. I looked in different hospitals for a solution to the problem, but the answer was the same
the answer was the same, until I sat on the floor of a hospital to cry, I had no solution to the problem.
I had no solution to the problem, that was something I could not accept.

until I had no solution to the problem, that was something I could not accept until a very old person, a doctor by the way, sat down next to me and explained to me many things explained many things to me, from the terminology of the disease to the and with him I understood that within the big problem there were several small
big problem there were several small ones which if I saw them well, I could give a solution
I could give a solution, I could continue being a resolute and assertive person.
assertive person.

You have a big problem, your mother has a disease that cannot be cured
that has no cure and a sad end, that's the fundamental problem and you don't have the solution.
you don't have the solution but you have other smaller problems that if you solve them quickly
solve them quickly, without losing the objective, calmly, your mom will thank you just the same.
I said to myself what they are.

You are not at her side now, she needs you because you went out to look for what is not there, run to her side.

you have a space problem in the house, create her space of tranquility and warmth
you don't have an overflowing economy, but become an accomplice to his whims

so We were talking and it allowed me to realize that in many cases we see a problem, we find the cause and we a problem, we find the cause and we cling to the fact that if it doesn't have the solution that we solution that we think is the right one or better, we simply fail. we fail.

We live in times of hyperconnectedness, agitated, a very rushed life
life and we see in everything problems that have no solution. I, at least from my experience, try to take a deep breath when facing a problem and first of all define it as a problem because sometimes they are small and simple sometimes they are small and simple things that we see it as a problem because of the state in which we are at that moment.

listen to a third party third party, because in many cases an extra opinion gives you a solution that you had not I try to visualize the problem with each one of the different solutions that I give you and I try to visualize the problem with each of the different solutions that I give and if none of them would bring another problem, that is to say to go discarding.

to value life with its problems and and its solutions will give us more peace, as I felt it when I closed my eyes and saw in I closed my eyes and saw a brightness in them.

traductor deepl
imagenes de pixabay



Sabes es muy cierto lo que dices la hiperconectividad, nos tiene acelerados y tratamos de resolver a las justas o con afán, bonito post.

gracias por leerlo realmente vivimos demasiado a prisa

Comprendo tu frustración por no poder resolver el inmenso problema que tenías en tus manos. Gracias a Dios, conseguiste a la persona indicada que te ayudó a ver una forma de aprovechar el tiempo con tu mamá. Gracias por este testimonio tan aleccionador. Saludos.

gracias a usted por leerlo,asi es a veces nos aferramos a problemas que la solución es simple,aceptarlo

Mi querida hermana @zorili91 yo se cuanto dolor generó este proceso en ti, gracias a dios que tu alma puede sentir consuelo porque siempre estuviste ahí para ella. ❤️