in Swiss Hive3 years ago

Hi guys! We just had an awesome Swiss Hive Meet Up !!

With our guest of honor: @b4phom3t who is already established in the german community but lives in Switzerland.

He was part of the hivecamp at the Bodensee.

We had some newcomers today and just an awesome evening.

One of the founders of the swisshive community @yangyanje just brought us some awesome hive bags!!! Which we all signed immediatley :D


Big thanks to all for particapating in this eventful evening. Your badges are on the way!

Give it some time the distributor had a lot of !BEER

Have a good one!

Stay happy and see U soon!

Participants of today:

and me
@b4phom3t @yangyanje @janaliana @clau-de-sign @sandymeyer @option2-e @acroamanic - NEW USER! Say hello @bensworld @mangodjango - NEW USER! Say hello @miraicastel


woow grandioos endlich durfte ich euch coole menschen endlich kennenlernen ...freu mich auf grosses was for uns liegt ...loos packen wie in den Hive bag all die gutten dinge di einem und uns gut tun und uns und jenem einzelnem was bringen packen wie mal tolle emotionen gute laune und viele neue gute leute und uns natürlich in den Hive Bag en schönes danke

YES!! :D besser hätte man es nicht sagen können!❤️

Thank you @yangyanje and @kiel91 ♥️

Cool .... happy to see you all try get new users more here :)

Thank you and mostly to @sandymeyer and @yangyanje - they started this.

It is such a pleasure to see how people not only get an Hive account but interesting and alternative, heartful people finding together and sharing their creativity, thoughts and questions.

I love it. :D

Cool ... it makes me feel also more good when all can use it and puts them in good mode :)
I be soon more back, I'm sure you all make lot more cool things soon there :)

Btw the stencil for the awesome hive bags was created by @kiel91