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RE: Beautiful Valais - Characteristic Flora

in Swiss Hive3 years ago

Hello there! Except the beautiful landscape with the snowy mountain (which is soooo beautiful) it looks like Romania haha. We have the same flowers, tulips, dandelions and daffodil invading us all around.

Btw, I'm not sure if that is lavander. We call them "strugurei" LOL. I wouldn't know exactly how to translate it to English, but this is their official name: Muscari armeniacum or in the popular speaking, Grape hyacinth.

greetings from Romania


Oh wow, thx for the info !! .. I will go and look it up. It looked like a bit strange lavender to me too, but knowing what it is exactly, is great .. thx a lot ^^

Ohh no problem! absolutely my pleasure! ❤️I just came inside very excited about some photos I took outdoors. I found a basic setting on my camera (which is soo lame because it is really a basic one but me....I never make time to do some research ) and for the last hour I tested it on dandelions, snails and blossoms. Haha.
Maybe I can share some photos in Amazing Nature as well. It's been a long time since I last posted there hihi 😁