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RE: It's A Sign

in Visual Shots7 months ago

This reads differently than a free-write with random shots from a feels more like you're letting us into the stream of thoughts that flowed through your mind during the walk - and if that be the case, I must ask, are your writing thoughts down during the walk so you can remember what they were when you get home? Or do you just have a basically awesome memory?

Congratulations on making it 10 years into a great commitment. I'm doing pretty good too. I don't remember when I last had a drink, it was probably at least a couple weeks, but honestly I haven't been tracking or thinking about it - just enjoying the feeling of control I get from not letting alcohol run my nights. I took nicotine back up a while back, to help curb the overeating I was doing to compensate for the absence of the drink. Now I'm watching what I eat without nicotine. I still sail the seas of green from time to time, and honestly the only reason I even think about cutting that out is because I eat mountains of junk food whenever I take a voyage.

Anyway, congratulations my dude, that is one hell of an accomplishment - allbeit probably only foundational to all your actual greatest has the potential to be pretty great when you commit to living it!


That was such a nice comment I hesitated about an hour before this. So not my style. Words resonate more the less they're envisioned.

Whaddup! I'm flattered you went though these comments. Yeah dude, 10 years and I fuckin missed it! Lol. PS - thanks for the reblog. Hate it when I forget to do that.

I don't count anything photosynthesis derived, nothing. That's like saying thyme is off-limits, could you imagine?! "Coriander is a class II felony!" Herbs...

Eating, drinking, smoking, et cetera, not a day goes by I don't think about them, all of them. But all those thoughts are me dude. No one else is saying 'I wish I had a cigarette' or 'just 1 drink before bed.' Those voices are me. Just had to get control of myself. I'm a work in progress.

You're doing great dude, congrats on your achievements. Real winners are the kids.

Genuine thoughts, funny. The car would be wherever we left it, phone in the car, nothing in my pockets, et cetera, and off we go journeying and I'm all orange chocolate covered pillow cases!!! So, I'm like, dammit, c'mon, we gotta go back to the car and Atlas is like WHATEV.

Go all the way back to the car, unlock it, grab my phone, write down orange chocolate covered pillow cases and then we're off—trekkin! Walk, walk, walk, listen listen.. shit! Air Jordan shower floor!

