A Caterpillar That Chews On Leaf Tips

in Visual Shotsyesterday

A caterpillar was busy chewing on a leaf tip. It ate heartily, completely oblivious to my presence. I tried to disturb it by shaking the branch it was perched on, but this little caterpillar didn't seem to be bothered. I was amazed at how busy it was. I thought this was its perfect lunch, and it really enjoyed it.

After making sure that the caterpillar was really not bothered by my presence, it was my turn to get busy. I took pictures of it in several poses. The result is as I show here. You can see how the caterpillar chews on the soft stem of a piece of shoot, and it doesn't move to another branch before finishing it.

After making sure that the caterpillar was really not bothered by my presence, now it was my turn to busy myself. I took pictures of it in several poses. The result is as I show here. You can see how the caterpillar chews on the soft stem of a piece of shoot, and it does not move to another branch at all before finishing it.

Despite its busyness and my experience in capturing things using macrophotography around my house, especially various types of insects that live and reproduce in bushes, watching a caterpillar get lunch was my first experience. That's why I took the picture while smiling to myself, as well as when posting it here. Hopefully the caterpillar that has become my photo model can grow into a beautiful butterfly. Cheers and wassalamu...

All photos are mine, taken by Samsung A51 + external macro lens. The text written in Bahasa and translated by Google Translate.