

Thank you. It seems I have to block someone.

  • edit 🤣🤣 - You got a big laugh out of me.

Hey, that's a lot more than a hesitation. Someone propositioned you here? I mean, wait up, hold up, I need more story.

Nothing, remote work that I didn't even apply for. Where does he know me from to write to me privately and propose that? It's not like I'm an influencer.

The decision has been made... I say no and that's it. Anyway, I'm not going to be more or less because I don't have a pair of Jordans and I don't even have a calculator. 😆

According to my calculations you made the right call. Very crafty.

😁 That's what happens when you rub shoulders with people like that, crafty people.

😟 Very hard for my melted brain, but thanks hahaha.