My buddy D just asked me the other day, like not even a week ago, what mhm was. I was responding to whatever and that's the sound closed lips make when you're in agreement—mhm.
He called however long later, "man, what is 'M-H-M'?" I made the sound, mhm, just like it sounds and he's all, "OOOOH!! I thought it was an acronym.... what is it.. Man hit me? My homie? Could NOT figure it out!"
Funny. My favorite part is I wonder how many other people read my mhm like 'what the hell does that stand for?!'
So, anyway, what'd you say the last D stands for?
oh oh oh I got it! It's disorder. attention deficit disorder! Sick, man, sick. Disordered and all. I gotta go prune my raspberries. I'm procratinating on that job and many others.
Don't poke yourself. Or is that blackberries? I think it's blackberries. Member when blackberry was a phone?!