3 Random Shots not worthy of their own post

in Visual Shots3 months ago

I have a folder on my computer where I save photos that I think I'll upload to Hive at some point. Some things live in here for a very long time and never really make it, they are maybe not compelling enough to carry an entire post on their own and they are not similar enough to anything else to eventually find and mate and end up in a group post.

So they sit, forgotten, until now. Here are the three oldest photos from the 'forgotten' file.

This shot is from October 2021 so it been passed over maybe 200 times now, poor little photo, I mean I like the the chaotic nature of the tagging on the letter box but maybe it isn't stong enough. Fun Fact if you live in Australia these green boxes are post boxes, they just aren't for you and me. They are used by posties. The guys and girls on the bicycles can't carry everything, so some of the letters after sorted are driven to these boxes in a van and deposited the Posties on his or her bike pick them up on their route - so they only carry part of the all the letters they are going to deliver that day at any one time.

With Powerpole (1 of 1).jpg

This one is even Older - from October 2021. I know why I took it, I had just seen an exhibition where there was this wonderful photo of a tree and the shadow from the tree on the wall behind it. This shot was a attempt of sorts at that, but let's face it, it didn't really work. It was okay, maybe a little artistic but you are never going to frame it and hang it on the wall.

Shadows 4 (1 of 1).jpg

And this one sits in between, Sept 2021 - this is an example of the type of thing I get obsessed with - the minute detail of everyday life that most people missed. This is a power pole and in particular the coloured tags that are nailed into it - these are from each time it's inspected for safety, you can see the date, February 2008 stamped into the blue one. This was a nice idea, poorly executed - it's over exposed, the angle maybe needs to be difficult, or as I assume was ny thought at the time, it needs some companions pieces to get across the concept that this is everywhere if you just look.

Powerpoll 1 (1 of 1).jpg


Great shots you have here. Thanks for sharing!