Clearing out 2023

in Visual Shots12 hours ago

2023 was a while ago now, not even 'last year' So it's time to clear out those photos that were taken in 2023 that have sat in my photo folder for over a year now just waiting to be used for something

Night Red (1 of 1).jpg

I don't even really know where this photo was taken, I can guess it was in the city of Melbourne, at night as I wandered around, maybe there was a thought to use it with something else, maybe a street art post, I mean there is something interesting about the curated fashion shot and the mess of tagging.


Was this meant to be something, a statement about life in the city, two people waiting for their clothes to wash, phones in hand, Did I not use it due to the nagging thought that it was over exposed?


This shot is from Sydney not Melbourne, and is the sort of thing that I take when I'm 'on Holiday' and I don't really remember why I was in Sydney at the end of March in 2023 but apparently I was.


I likely thought this was quite artistic, but never really artistic enough to pull the trigger and post it, well I have now