EVERYDAY SNAPSHOTS - Street photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (10 Pics)

in Visual Shots4 months ago


Besides liking to take street photos to edit in black and white, with fog, broken streets, people, animals and/or open scenes of what happens here in Montalbán on a daily basis, I also like to take, at least occasionally, this kind of simple, everyday, uncomplicated and usually colourful enough photos that I can keep them "in colour" like this... Well, today has been a strange day and I needed to relax more than usual, so I took my laptop to my mother's house and sat down at her dining room table to edit photos like the ones I described... Come with me and take a look at these street photos!....

Además de gustarme hacer fotos callejeras para editar en blanco y negro, con niebla, calles rotas, personas, animales y/o escenas abiertas de lo que ocurre aquí en Montalbán a diario, también me gusta hacer, cuando menos de vez en cuando, ese tipo de fotos simples, cotidianas, descomplicadas y por lo general lo suficientemente coloridas como para que pueda dejarlas así "en colores"... Y bien, hoy ha sido un día extraño y necesitaba distraerme más de lo acostumbrado, así que llevé mi laptop a la casa de mi madre y me senté en la mesa de su comedor a editar fotos como estas que les describí... ¡Vengan conmigo y miren estas fotos callejeras!...

📷 01- "Sad façade, Rafael's house..." / "Fachada triste, casa de Rafael..."

📷 02- "Interval, old wall and door..." / "Intervalo, pared vieja y puerta..."

📷 03- "Tangle, 60's window..." / "Enredo, ventana de los 60..."

📷 04- "Rafta ray, Elio's garage..." / "Rayo rafta, el garaje de Elio..."

I look at these photos and I'm realising that many of them are in fact more complex than I thought when I took them. So that's why I like to give titles to them... I don't know, actually here in my village I find it difficult to find something ‘totally simple and everyday’... Or maybe it's me who ‘complicates everything, even a simple photo’?... After all, I'm sitting at the dining table at my mother's house after my wife told me: Jesus, get out of here for a while, you woke up today being ‘kicked in the ass’!... Hahaha :)) I really love her!... We've been together for 36 years and we were high school mates before that... I'm kind of like her ‘Karma’! :))

Miro estas fotos y me estoy percatando de que muchas de ellas en realidad son más complejas de lo que pensé cuando las hice. Así que es debido a eso que me gusta colocar títulos para ellas... No sé, en realidad aquí en mi pueblo se me hace difícil encontrar algo "totalmente simple y cotidiano"... ¿O quizás soy yo quien "complico todo, incluso una fotos simple"?... Después de todo, estoy sentado en la mesa del comedor en casa de mi madre después de que mi esposa me dijese: Jesús, ¡sal un rato de aquí, hoy has despertado siendo "una patada en el trasero"!... Hahaha :)) ¡En verdad la amo!... Llevamos 36 años juntos y antes de eso eramos compañeros de secundaria... ¡Yo soy algo así como su "Karma"! :))

📷 05- "Blue and white, the barbershop..." / "Azul y blanco, la barbería..."

📷 06- "340 Mt2, village for sale..." / "340 Mt2, pueblo en venta..."

📷 07- "Sparks, where Frank the welder..." / "Chispas, donde Frank el soldador..."

However, editing these photos, looking at them and sharing them is something that, for years now, has helped me to deal with my ‘cocktail’ of temperament variations and to stabilise myself. The same happens to me when I go outside to take pictures as when I spend hours editing and looking at my RAW files... There is a lot of ‘catalyst’ in having photography as a hobby, and I guess many of you already know that...

De la manera que sea, editar estas fotos, mirarlas y compartirlas es algo lo cual, desde hace años ya, me sirve para lidiar con mi "cóctel" de variaciones de temperamento y estabilizarme. Lo mismo me sucede cuando voy a la calle a hacer fotos que cuando me dedico a estar horas editando y mirando mis archivos RAW... Hay mucho de "catalizador" en esto de tener la fotografía como afición, y supongo que ya muchos de ustedes lo saben...

📷 08- "Bananas, at 36°C..." / "Plátanos, a 36°C..."

📷 09- "Ventana, Mita's house..." / "Ventana, la casa de Mita..."

📷 10- "Silverio, in Adam's house..." / "Silverio, en la casa de Adán..."

Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!

¡Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar!

ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... They were then exported to JGP format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3.

NOTA TÉCNICA ADICIONAL: Fotografias capturadas con mi cámara DSLR Nikon D7000 en formato RAW, procesadas posteriormente en Adobe Camera RAW para ajustes relativos a luz, afilado, contraste y profundidad... Luego fueron exportadas a formato JGP sobre el cual se llevaron a cabo modificaciones menores como enderezado y agregado de marcas de agua usando PhotoScape 3.6.3.

"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.

"Hacemos fotografías para comprender lo que nuestras vidas significan para nosotros mismos." - Ralph Hattersley.


Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lens: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lens:AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G

Cámara: Nikon D7000
Lente: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lente: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lente: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G

Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela.


@jlinaresp, I paid out 0.130 HIVE and 0.024 HBD to reward 3 comments in this discussion thread.

Greetings @jlinaresp ,

A striking set of photographs of doors, windows and shoppe fronts...full of energy and strength.

Photograph number two....is a showstopper for Bleujay...the 'Sad Facade' accompanied by nature bursting with bloom...and the reflection in the water as captured by you...well done!

Kind Regards,


Thank you very much for your appreciation and for this motivating comment @bleujay friend!!!!


@ekavieka, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

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Amazing shots Jesus!

Incredible variety of angles and perspectives!

Thanks a lot @grafvisionsp friend!!!


Mita's house seem like it has been recently painted isn't it?
I was wondering why they put the banana out in the sun like that it will make it spoilt a lot faster isn't it?
But always love to see you photos my friend.
!hiqvotes !VSC

Yes, Mita's house (a matron of our village who by the way died earlier this year aged 102) always looks freshly painted... That was her favourite thing to do!... ;)

I don't know why they leave the bananas unprotected from sunlight either!.... But one joker here said: ‘They want to sell them baked now!!!’ hahaha :))

Thanks for supporting and appreciating my work dear friend!!!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
jlinaresp tipped ekavieka
jlinaresp tipped grafvisionsp @jlinaresp tipped @bleujay