I started using @actifit in 2024 and I found that using it in combination with taking photos made me more observant and brought me closer to nature.
As a result, and after reading Macro Photography of Bugs and Butterflies by @katerinaramm, I became more interested in macrophotography. These photographs were taken with my phone, but I may get some more suitable equipment.
If you are interested in learning more about taking macro photos with a smartphone, you might like to read How to Take Macro Photos on Your iPhone.
The photographs' captions are my best guesses as to the identity of these plants and fungus. The captions are only for interest's sake, so please don't rely on them for any other purpose.
Please leave a comment if you can provide more accurate identities.

The photos included here were all taken in 2024. I'm hoping to take and post more photos this year.
Beautiful photos!
I have no idea about their identities, but there are apps that you can use to search for them :)
Thanks, I'll have a look for the apps !HUG