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RE: Somos Polvo de Estrellas (ESP-ENG)

in Writing Club3 years ago

The enjoyment you have with your friends is so great that you may find yourself marking them to yourself even after your physical departure. Alana will keep the memory of Sol forever, her heart has been tattooed with her name on it, so there are people we guarantee that we feel like even when they are not with us physically, they stay with us.


That's right dear friend, Alana is handling her sister's departure as best she can, but it is a pain that will never be erased, however we must give her time to accept it, little by little she will overcome her grief.

Alana still feels Sol even after her departure, for her Sol is not completely gone, she feels her in that moon and those stars, little by little she will get used to her departure, but for now those things she does make her happy, losing a sibling will never be easy for anyone, with time she will keep seeing that sky and thinking about her, but the pain will be less.

Thank you very much for reading my post and leaving me such a nice comment my friend.🤗💞