One day, a very close relationship also came to an end. That love and being good has become around someone else. The face that was known only a few days ago has changed, both hands have changed. The two hands that once brought the message of peace.
In the dream, in the imagination, in the reality, the man who was involved in everything. Whoever never had the courage to say a crooked thing in his chest, the man today does not feel any pain and is not tied to the chest. We could have waited for hours to say that the man had been cut off for several months now.
Today where there is intimacy, tomorrow there is great enmity. Today the man is the apple of the eye, tomorrow the man is the poison of the eye. You can't do everything! You can't just put together a broken relationship. You can't complete a decaying life. You can't show the way of light to a life that has been ruined. You can't increase the hand of trust.
Today, the person you are fighting to the best of your ability will also tell you, "What have you done for me?" No one remembers anyone's benefit. No one shows gratitude to anyone. No one remembers anyone. Everything that has changed has nothing to do with anyone but being a silent spectator.
Still you have to live, you have to live for yourself. You have to live with this, you get a lot, or you don't get a lot. You still have to live! You have to live very much !!